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The Archives => Completed Expansions => Topic started by: meepleater on January 21, 2009, 12:31:58 am

Title: A few ideas for expansions... opinions?
Post by: meepleater on January 21, 2009, 12:31:58 am
Just a few ideas:

Idea #1. Wells
Wells along a road (like the well on the 3-way road from A&M) would be like a pennant in a city... gives an extra point (2 with an inn). Fairly simple, like the oases from AotC.

Idea #2. Monasteries
It occured to me that there are no cloister-only pieces. These would be a wooden piece that each player gets, and looks a bit like a barn. A player may place on an intersection of any four tiles (unlike a barn, which needed fields in the corners). Any monks (cloister or abbey, not cult) within those four tiles (1st zone) get removed immediately and scored as in end game scoring (1 point per surrounding tile). Same with the 12 tiles surrounding those four (2nd zone). Cloisters/ abbeys in either zone may not be claimed (including wagon moving, the count and magic gate). If any cloisters are completed in either zone they are not immediately scored, but at the end of the game for each cloister in the 2nd zone gets scored as 2 points per surrounding tile and cloister, and 1st zone at 3 points per tile these points go to the owner of the monastery. The monastery stays there until the end of the game and may not be removed by catapult, tower or dragon. Two monastaries may not be placed where the 1st zone overlaps, but the 2nd zone may overlap.The monastery does not affect cults/ challenges in any way, and does not allow a knight to escape a beseiged city I think that covers it.

EDIT: Changes in bold. Thanks novelty

Any opinions?

Title: Re: A few ideas for expansions... opinions?
Post by: Novelty on January 21, 2009, 12:44:55 am
Some questions:

Does the monastaries get points at the end of the game?  What happens if a cloister is being challenged by a shrine?  Who scores when a monastary is played?  Does a monastary allow a knight to escape a besieged city?  What's the purpose of the monastery piece again - is it to just deny cloisters and shrines and challenges?  Why are the new pieces to be played on any corner - why not on top of the shrine/cloister/abbey instead?

Title: Re: A few ideas for expansions... opinions?
Post by: meepleater on January 21, 2009, 01:05:56 am
edited to answer most of your questions.

Title: Re: A few ideas for expansions... opinions?
Post by: Novelty on January 21, 2009, 01:15:30 am
If the monk is removed, then
1. there is no scoring when the cloister/abbey is completed because there is no follower on it, and
2. any challenges between a cloister/abbey and shrine will be over since there is no monk to challenge

That's just a comment.  Also, both the ideas would make good expansions on their own.

BTW, whatever happened to the tiles that were not included in A&T?  Do you want to make that into a tiles only expansions?  I think some of them are rather good IMO.

Title: Re: A few ideas for expansions... opinions?
Post by: Joff on January 21, 2009, 03:31:44 am
I like the Well's idea.

Again, the Monasteries idea is workable. Perhaps you can use a city piece from The Settlers of Catan as the Monastery piece.

Like Novelty says, these would be suited to individual expansions.

Title: Re: A few ideas for expansions... opinions?
Post by: meepleater on January 21, 2009, 03:33:19 am
Well, you did use the underground road in A&T and the others aren't really worth doing... unless I put a well along one of the roads? And yes, they were meant to be separate expansions...

as for you're comments novelty, they are both correct, I had meant to write them in the original, but I forgot...

I was thinking of using a catan piece, but I was just waiting to see what else could be used...

Title: Re: A few ideas for expansions... opinions?
Post by: meepleater on January 24, 2009, 07:11:37 pm
Maybe for a third idea, something like an apple a day but without the forest? I'm a sucker for chits and trade goods...

Title: Re: A few ideas for expansions... opinions?
Post by: Novelty on January 25, 2009, 10:30:00 am
Idea #1. Wells
Wells along a road (like the well on the 3-way road from A&M) would be like a pennant in a city... gives an extra point (2 with an inn). Fairly simple, like the oases from AotC.
That would also make it almost the same as the wells in The Castle.  If you want to start the expansion, why not start a separate thread for it and work on from there.  I would say, the expansion would need less roundabouts (because those are hard to complete) and more wells on roads, especially dead ends!

Title: Re: A few ideas for expansions... opinions?
Post by: meepleater on January 27, 2009, 03:57:37 pm
Well, I'm about to go on another holiday today, so I won't be back for about 3-4 days... I'll try to continue work when I get back...