Title: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Scott on January 20, 2009, 10:18:48 pm Ever since I read about the Catan Card Game (a few months ago), I've been wondering if a Carcassonne Card Game would be feasible.
I think to work, landscape building would need to shift from two-dimensional to one-dimensional, similar to the Catan Card Game. I also think that building in segments is not feasible either, so one card would have an entire city, but the value of the city would be variable. Example: Player 1 plays an 8-point city card and a meeple card. Player 2 plays a City+4 card against Player 1's city and plays a meeple card of his own. (Each player now has a meeple each in the same city.) Player 1 plays a 6-point road card to his left of the city and plays a meeple card on the road. Player 2 plays a cloister card on the other side of the road card and plays a meeple card on the cloister. Player 1 scores 6 points for his completed road. I suppose there should be some play permitted in two dimensions. Perhaps one or two rows per player? Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Scott on January 24, 2009, 01:32:40 am I felt like attempting a card design and here's what I came up with:
(http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/2467/startingcardol6.png) This got me thinking that one row per player is not really enough. It should be possible to build on all sides of the starting card. My first thought was for a math-based solution, but my second thought was to leave it up to the size of the table (the rectangular shape will help with that). It remains to be seen what works best and/or is more interesting. Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Scott on January 24, 2009, 06:32:53 pm I embossed the text to make it look nicer, and did a few more cards (6 regular meeples, king, and robber baron).
http://www.mediafire.com/?fmmgyym1ynn (http://www.mediafire.com/?fmmgyym1ynn) Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: canada steve on January 25, 2009, 02:54:49 am SCott I like the idea of a Carc card game but isnt the way you are planning it the same as Carc just with cards instead of tiles ? Catan the card game is different to Settlers in that the mechanics are different even thought hte original premise of the game was used.
Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Wishmaster on January 25, 2009, 05:46:38 am Certainly like the idea of a card game Scott, however I think I agree with Canada Steve regards the direction you are going in - That's no reason to give up though!
Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Scott on January 25, 2009, 12:41:21 pm Fortunately I'm not very far into the process, so if anybody has an idea how to improve this I'm very interested to hear. Meanwhile, I will study the Catan Card Game to see if I can put my finger on it.
Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Tobias on January 25, 2009, 05:30:38 pm Fortunately I'm not very far into the process, so if anybody has an idea how to improve this I'm very interested to hear. Meanwhile, I will study the Catan Card Game to see if I can put my finger on it. I would rather think C as a card game to revolve around building and challenging - although I do not know how exactly ... Maybe if your option were to either draw cards, build, challenge or score. Or something totally different :) Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: koolkat on January 25, 2009, 05:59:49 pm It's hard to think of a tile laying game converted to a card game. I don't think it would work. It would miss the fun of watching Carc grow, you know... One good thing about Carc is it's main expansions. How would it work as a card game. Carc has got so many 3D elements... I love card games but at this point I just can't figure Carc as a card game...
Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Scott on January 26, 2009, 08:51:37 pm I was originally thinking of having a variety of city/road/farm cards with different point values, and then other city/road/farm cards to add points (and possibly another follower) to an existing city/road/farm.
Here's a different idea I thought of yesterday. This would make it more similar to: the Catan Card Game, Carc the Castle, Carc the City , and Alhambra. Everybody builds their own cities. City improvement cards would be available for play. Roads could be built between cities and trade routes established. Maybe this is too much like the Catan Card Game... Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Gantry on February 28, 2009, 10:56:15 pm This is totally up my alley, I can see this working. Play some community cards in the center, say 4 of them, or 9 of them in a grid to make more options. Have 6 cards in hand, the rest in your personal pile, face down. Play a card from your hand, score, discard. Or something like that.
Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Scott on March 01, 2009, 09:21:07 am Sadly, I made these during the final week of my previous hard drive which wasn't backing up properly, so when I lost a week's worth of data, this was among it.
Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Novelty on March 01, 2009, 09:31:15 am Ouch - did you back-up anything Scott? How difficult will it be for you to redo them again?
Also, I'm wondering if this should be in "General" or "Variants" or ...??? Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Scott on March 01, 2009, 09:43:41 am I kept the old hard drive, so there is a small chance that I might be able to recover the files. Starting over would not be fun because I spent a lot of time modifying stuff.
Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: meepleater on October 09, 2009, 04:26:31 am I know this topic is old, and not sure if anyone cares anymore, and there appears to be a card game coming out soon anyway, but I had an idea that could work for two players.
Each player has their own area, each with a CoC card as their starting point. The cards have a mixture of roads, cities, cloisters, fields and meeples. Each card must be played by an adjacent one. Cities, roads etc. are not expanded by placing the same card next to each other (ie. a city can be played next to a road). A feature is 'completed' when it is surrounded on 4 sides (except cloister, which requires all 8 sides). A player scores only for features where they have a meeple card on one of the four adjacent sides. the score for roads and cities is written on the card (maybe a small bonus for playing next to same feature?). Fields score points for each city in the adjacent 8 tiles, and cloisters score as normal. No cards are ever removed. Incomplete features are not scored. eg. X= city of carcassonne C= city R= road K= cloister F= field M= meeple C1 R1 F1 C2 M K1 K2 X R2 When C2 was completed (surrounded on 4 sides), the player would receive the number of points written in the centre of the card and the number of points written on the north side (because it touches C1). For R1 the player would receive the number of points written on the card when completed. For K1, the player would receive 9 points when completed. For X, the player would receive no points (it cannot score). The player would not score for C1, F1, K2 and R2 because there is no meeple on any of the adjacent 4 sides. This is probably pointless as the card game comes out soon, but any thoughts? Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Gwommy on October 09, 2009, 10:17:17 am I had to read it twice to understand it, but I think I kind of get it. It sounds interesting. I think it could work. I'm guessing that it would take a bit of table space, and the cards should be like a standard deck of cards where it's still readable whether it's upsidedown or not, that is assuming the players would be sitting across the table from eachother and playing off the same area. So now I'm picturing two decks of cards each with the same exact cards with the only difference being the color of meeple.
Or you can be really crazy and throw in a 3rd deck for action cards. For example: "Play this card when opponent scores a city. The city is infested with rats, lose 5 points." It could be fun. Does anyone know what they are planning for the actual Car(d)cassone game? All I could find was information that it was going to be released. I can't find any descriptions or pics of the game yet. I did notice it was easier to find with the "d" in parenthesis(). Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: meepleater on October 09, 2009, 06:17:36 pm I know my explanation was confusing. ach player would have their own area, so cards would only need to be readable (?) from one direction. Maybe some event cards would be interesting too. I have no idea what's happening with the actual card game, I haven't been able to find out anything either, although the french box version looks very different to what I had in mind; http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/577005?size=original
Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: meepleater on October 09, 2009, 08:28:38 pm Okay, I've drafted a quick example to show my idea:
(http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss294/meepleater/card-example1.jpg) Green owns the city to the left. When this is completed (has a cad on its left), green will get 7 points, plus, because the card above it is of the same type, and additional 3 points (the number written on the top side of the card). When the road above green is completed (has a card above it), it will be worth 8 points. When the cloister to the right of green is completed (has 8 cards surrounding), it will be worth 9 points as normal. The city of carcassonne, the starting point, is not worth any points. None of the other features will give green any points becaue there is no meeple orthogonal to those features. Cards may not be rotated. Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Gwommy on October 09, 2009, 09:57:17 pm Definitely interesting, could have potential. Let me know if you keep working on it or want some help with it. :)
Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: meepleater on October 09, 2009, 10:10:39 pm I had some more ideas for this. I used your event deck idea, so that when you score a city/ road, you take the top event from the appropriate deck. These cards are discarded, not placed onto the play area.
Some examples of such cards: (http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss294/meepleater/card-cityeventwheat.jpg) (http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss294/meepleater/card-roadeventinn.jpg) I also considered that there is not much player interaction, so I added a dragon card- which there will be several of in each deck. This is placed in the players opponant's area, and the 4 features orthogonal do not score at all (but they can still give adjacent features points, in the case of cities or roads.) (http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss294/meepleater/card-dragon.jpg) But, before I go any further, I have to ask for Scott's permission- after all, it is his idea. Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Scott on October 10, 2009, 02:42:55 pm Go for it.
Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: meepleater on October 10, 2009, 06:38:33 pm I've finished all the cards, and combined, the game has 185 cards, in 6 decks:
Green's deck; Green meeple cards, starting card, city, road, field and cloister cards, lake cards, marsh cards and dragon cards. Red's deck; Red meeple cards, all the rest the same as above. City event cards; Cathedral, siege, plague, famine, wheat, wine and cloth trader cards. Road event cards; Inn, roadblock, storm damage, thief, market cards. Field event cards; Drought, pig herd, good harvest and other cards Building cards (linked with event cards) City- brewery, storehouse Road- central marketplace, tower Field- tithe barn, outpost Going to try and fit in a playtest sometime today. Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: meepleater on October 11, 2009, 06:25:57 pm I had a few games yesterda, and it seems to work quite well. I'll write up the rules ASAP, but I'll be a bit busy this week.
Title: Re: Carcassonne Card Game? Post by: Wishmaster on October 12, 2009, 08:15:44 am Looks interesting.