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Off Topic => Other Games => Topic started by: Purity on January 20, 2009, 05:45:18 am

Title: Zooloretto Fan-Made Expansions
Post by: Purity on January 20, 2009, 05:45:18 am

i just want to check how big is the interest in fan made expansions for that game. as there is no official forum for zooloretto/aquaretto and the threads i found in germany boards are quite little, i thought i start this topic here also.

i already got some basic ideas for new expansions. anyone interested in working them out with me in the style of the carcassonne expansions on this site?


Title: Re: Zooloretto Fan-Made Expansions
Post by: Bixby on January 20, 2009, 07:07:26 pm
I have a copy of Zooloretto and a couple of the expansions. I need to get it to the table and play it a few times before I can comment on expansions though.

Title: Re: Zooloretto Fan-Made Expansions
Post by: Novelty on January 20, 2009, 07:49:45 pm
How many expansions are there anyways?  Was it 2 or 3?

Title: Re: Zooloretto Fan-Made Expansions
Post by: Scott on January 20, 2009, 09:58:31 pm
More than that it seems: (

Title: Re: Zooloretto Fan-Made Expansions
Post by: Novelty on January 21, 2009, 12:12:55 am
I never realised that there are so many expansions.  Thanks for the link, Scott.

Title: Re: Zooloretto Fan-Made Expansions
Post by: Purity on January 21, 2009, 03:52:27 am
There are even more, not mentioned at BBG ;-)

* Zooloretto
* Zooloretto XXL
* Zooloretto Exotic (Feb. 2009)
* Aquaretto

Mini Expansions:

* Zusatzgehege
* Streichelzoo
* Eisbär
* Gorilla
* Rentier
* Wanderbaustellen
* Zusatzgebäude
    - Restaurant
    - Pavillons
    - Souvenierstand
* Auftragskarten
* Sparbuch
* Mitarbeitertafeln
    - Trainingsbereich
    - Technikbereich
    - Forschungsstation
* Züge

Title: Re: Zooloretto Fan-Made Expansions
Post by: Novelty on January 21, 2009, 06:32:44 pm
Are any of the "expansions" posted on BGG fan-made?  I'm not sure because I have no idea which of the expansions are official and which ones aren't.

Title: Re: Zooloretto Fan-Made Expansions
Post by: Purity on January 22, 2009, 02:16:15 am
the ones above are all official ... i havent seen any fanmade expansions so far (except for additional animals, but i won't name it 'expension')

therefore i'm interested in creating some ;-)