Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => General => Topic started by: horsethiefbandit on March 28, 2007, 07:30:24 pm

Title: mehrfluss
Post by: horsethiefbandit on March 28, 2007, 07:30:24 pm
Anyone playing with the mehrfluss river expansion? It's available for free download at official HIG site:

I've printed it but haven't played it yet. Not sure what the best way to incorporate the tiles is. Any suggestions?

Title: Re: mehrfluss
Post by: Gantry on March 28, 2007, 07:43:41 pm
whoa!  new one to me, I'll have to check that one out!

Title: Re: mehrfluss
Post by: canada steve on March 29, 2007, 04:30:26 am
Wow, more ways to split the field up with more river pieces, Im printing them off now and will try them later. Looks damn good though.

Title: Re: mehrfluss
Post by: Tobias on March 29, 2007, 05:17:52 am
I'm not convinced. The GQ spring-tile will be the only one we'll ever need (with exception for those crazy times when we build more rivers ;) )

And the end tiles from RII (volcano and city) will also be used - all to counter the big farm around lakes and springs - volcano doesn't counter that of course, but has other uses.. A lake/volcano tile with a road on would be nice though ;)

Long rivers in themselves aren't particulary fun, with a streak of bad luck your table might be too small. Rivers are the only tiles we allow moving, after that the table's the limit.

Title: Re: mehrfluss
Post by: horsethiefbandit on March 29, 2007, 11:03:25 pm
If playing with R1, R2 and Mehrfluss (R3?), it's possible to create a river with 4 branches, which would make the board more interesting because the river doesn't stretch out as linearly.

Title: Re: mehrfluss
Post by: likie on March 30, 2007, 04:55:02 am
Even if you do download the pictures, how do you add them to your Carc set?  Presume you would need to stick them to thick card?

Title: Re: mehrfluss
Post by: horsethiefbandit on March 31, 2007, 02:12:11 pm
I bought an extra Carc set at the recent B&N sale and used it for parts to make several of the user-designed expansions that are out there. I print the tiles onto Avery full-sheet labels, cut them out and stick them onto the tiles from my spare set. That way, they look almost identical to the original tiles and mix in easily with the tiles stacks (my group doesn't use a tile bag.)

On a side note, does anyone who uses a tile bag find that the tiles get more wear and tear that way?

Title: Re: mehrfluss
Post by: Tobias on March 31, 2007, 06:37:33 pm
On a side note, does anyone who uses a tile bag find that the tiles get more wear and tear that way?

I much prefer the dispenser that came with The Tower. It's quite obvious that the tiles will get weared down in the bag. Nowdays we use it when we play H&G only - but only because we don't play that very often.

Edit: Typo  ::)

Title: Re: mehrfluss
Post by: Gantry on April 01, 2007, 01:05:34 am
We use the tile bag about 75% of the time, and the tower the rest of the time

Title: Re: mehrfluss
Post by: canada steve on April 01, 2007, 02:57:41 am
Bag all the time, so far no damage to the tiles is showing, but worth keeping an eye on.

Title: Re: mehrfluss
Post by: Novelty on June 09, 2009, 12:27:08 pm
Just a public service announcement ;D especially for those looking for stuff and getting the HiG broken link.

If you're looking for the fan-made river expansion mehrfluss that was formerly on HiG's site for download, well, you'll probably find that it's not there anymore.  Carcassonne Central now hosts all those files in the HiG Downloads ( section.