Title: Fairy Scoring and Builder Post by: rbilabronze on January 08, 2009, 12:29:03 am Hi. I am new the this forum (and the game). Thanks for all of the great information available on the website. It is a great resource and I hope I will be able to contribute.
I had a question on fairy scoring from the rules relating to builders and double turns. On page 36 in the latest CAR (December 12 version) it states in the sentence next to footnote 95 that "At the start of a player's turn, if the fairy is next to one of the player's followers, then the player immediately scores a point. (If a builder generates a double turn for a player, this bonus is still scored only once)." So it is clear that you can't score 2 points for the fairy. But, I was unsure about the below scenario? My question is would you get one fairy point if you (a) place a tile extending a feature with the builder on it and (b) move the fairy during turn one to one of your followers? Would you get to score one point for the fairy since it was next to one of your followers at the "start of the 2nd turn"? The wording on page 36 regarding "start of a player's turn" was unclear to me. Does it mean the very beginning of the complete double turn or the start of each turn in the double turn? I think the answer is no points would be scored based on Footnote 51 on page 23 of the CAR which states "From an FAQ: "Both parts of the double-turn are identical, although the fairy (3rd expansion), for example, only gives bonus points at the start of the player's turn, and a figure can also only be moved to Carcassonne (Count) once." Any clarification to this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Title: Re: Fairy Scoring and Builder Post by: Novelty on January 08, 2009, 01:05:18 am You are correct. It is not a "2nd turn" but an extended turn.
Start (fairy gives points here) Get a tile Play a tile Score (and if builder extends the turn then) Get 2nd tile Play 2nd tile Score End of turn |