Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Rules => Topic started by: yrose on January 01, 2009, 02:51:55 pm

Title: Abbeys and farms
Post by: yrose on January 01, 2009, 02:51:55 pm
Very very cool reference for a very cool game indeed!  :)

After reading the threads, I am however unclear on one aspect of the rules: is an abbey effectively a 'wild' card for farms, meaning that it can connect two or more farm pieces, or can it be used to impose a limit on whichever farm it surrounds?

Thanks in advance for any available clarification!

Title: Re: Abbeys and farms
Post by: Joff on January 01, 2009, 03:10:47 pm
Welcome to Carcassonne Central.

The Abbey can never be used to connect two farms together, as it has no farms on it. It can, however, be used to great effect to block a farm :)

A detailed description for using the Abbey tile can be found here: (

This example explains when you are able to play an Abbey tile, what it does and how it's scored. I hope this helps, anything else, let us know :)