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The Archives => Completed Expansions => Topic started by: Novelty on December 22, 2008, 01:21:36 am

Title: Fish Huts
Post by: Novelty on December 22, 2008, 01:21:36 am
In the old days, the only two ways of preserving meat was to either salt them or to smoke them.  Although the French preferred fresh fish, practicality demanded that some of the fish that is caught is smoked to preserve the fish for lean times and for winter.  The smoking of these fish are usually carried out in small huts.

Apologies to Jörg Krühne.

This is an adaptation of the Fischerhütte ( expansion by Jörg Krühne, as requested by Purity.  It will include the 5 tiles from Fischerhütte updated with better (maybe) graphics (most probably from tithe barns) and 7 new tiles, all with the Fish (smoking) hut.  The scoring system will probably be updated to be the same as that for Tithe Barns, 10 for completing and 14 if you own the river.

Comments anyone?  Do you think I should do this?

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Gantry on December 22, 2008, 01:33:44 am
you could always contact Jörg and ask

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Novelty on December 22, 2008, 01:50:11 am
you could always contact Jörg and ask
I could if I could find his email.  Do you have it handy, Gantry

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Novelty on December 22, 2008, 08:00:48 am
Here's a redone tile:

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Novelty on December 22, 2008, 08:38:53 am
Well, the first phase of this expansion is done.  Here are the 5 tiles from Fischerhütte redone in a style more in line with the Carcassonne look than the icon with the orange fish.  These tiles may be used as an alternative to (i.e. instead of) the tiles originally supplied in the Fischerhütte file.  Click on the image to download the bigger picture

( (

A further 7 tiles (or 10 tiles) will be added to this to create the Fish Hut expansion, which will  have slightly different rules than Fischerhütte.

Edit: I've made the file available on the HiG downloads page ( as well.

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Gantry on December 22, 2008, 05:48:18 pm
you could always contact Jörg and ask
I could if I could find his email.  Do you have it handy, Gantry

No, I meant just google it

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Novelty on December 22, 2008, 06:14:31 pm
No, I meant just google it
De Nada.  I did that as the first thing when I realised where this was going.

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Scott on December 22, 2008, 07:00:14 pm
I like the new fishing hut graphics.

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Novelty on December 23, 2008, 06:25:47 am
Thanks Scott.  Here are the 12 tiles for this expansion (5 redone from Fischerhütte, 7 new ones)

Tiles (
Edit: Draft Rules (

If there are no comments by Monday 29th, I'll finalise it and call it complete.

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Scott on December 23, 2008, 07:22:02 pm
You need a separator between "preserving meat" and "smoking and salting". I'd personally use a colon, but a dash works too.

The grammar of the second sentence is confusing. The following would make more sense: "The French preference for fresh fish practically demanded that some of the fish caught be smoked to preserve the fish for year-round availability. This was carried out in small smoking huts."

"The tiles are placed in accordance with the normal rules."
or if you want to be consistent with the CAR...
"The new land tiles are placed in the usual way."

The next sentence should also be rephrased, since the tile consists of more than just a fishing hut.
"The tiles depict the following new element:"

I'm not sure that the word "jetty" is the most appropriate. From what I can tell, a jetty is a solid structure through which the water cannot pass. What I'm seeing on the tile art is what I would call a pier, but I'm seeing some indication that the terminology may have regional implications.

I'd be more inclined to say that the tile is "placed" rather than "played". I think "placed" is what the CAR uses too.

I don't think kipperer is a real word...

The context of Footnote 1 is confusing: it reads "... cannot... either." But the sentence is refers back to reads "... can..." These are opposite, so "either" should not be used here.

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Novelty on December 23, 2008, 07:52:25 pm
Thanks Scott.  I will update these and post later.

And I also don't think kipperer is a real word, but I can't think of anything better.

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Novelty on December 24, 2008, 04:03:10 am
OK, I've reverted kipperer back to "fish-smoker" which will probably be weird to those who don't realise smoking isn't just of tobacco, but of meat (and fish in particular) in this case.

Rules updated (

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Gantry on December 24, 2008, 10:02:41 am
Did some research, seems as though a fish "market manager" is one who smokes and prepares fish.  As well, I did find one vague reference to a "poissonnier" (poisson is French for fish) as a similar title.

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Novelty on December 24, 2008, 10:06:49 am
"fish market manager" sounds like a "fishmonger".  A poissonnier is probably pronounced differently from poisoner, but the difference is slight, and it might be distressing to call someone who prepares fish as a poisoner!  I think I'll stick to fish-smoker.

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Purity on December 24, 2008, 04:13:11 pm
well as carcassonne is located in france and because i live right on the french border, i think poissonnier might be a good name ...

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Novelty on December 27, 2008, 06:10:53 am
OK, I'll call it poissonnier then.  Complete Rules (

Title: Re: Fish Huts
Post by: Purity on December 27, 2008, 06:35:34 am
i tried to find some phonetic script for this word to make it easier for non-europeans ... unfortunatelly i wasnt able to find anything right now :-/