Title: Traders and Builders Questions Post by: Frabeco on November 18, 2008, 10:01:17 am Hello, since you all have been so helpful.....
There was discussion of my question back in February, but I am still confused about a few things...my version says "extends or completes", but I believe the "official" rules have changed... 1. If you have a builder on something and another player adds a tile to it, do you get a "turn" after they are done with their turn? What if their tile "completes" it? 2. I am still confused after reading the discussion on the "abbey tile", "extending" or "adding", etc.....So if I "complete" a road or city (with a road or city tile), I do or do not get another turn? 3. What if I have a follower on a road or city, then on my next turn I place a tile that completes that road or city, can I place a builder on the tile I just used to complete the road or city, and then take another turn? Again, if these have been answered in that post in february, I apologize, the different versions confused me and the discussion of german grammer also confused me :) Thanks!! Title: Re: Traders and Builders Questions Post by: Novelty on November 18, 2008, 10:03:53 am 1. No, you only get an extra tile if you extend something with your own builder
2. If you completed it with an abbey, then no, because you do not extend anything with an abbey. If you completed it with a road or city tile then yes. 3. No, because the tile you placed didn't extend something that already has your builder on it. Edited answer #2. Title: Re: Traders and Builders Questions Post by: Frabeco on November 18, 2008, 11:10:25 am My number 2 question did not have to do with the abbey, I was stating that the discussion in february included discussion about the abbey. What I meant by question two was....
If I already have a builder on a road or city and complete that road or city with another road or city tile, do I get another turn? Thanks Title: Re: Traders and Builders Questions Post by: Novelty on November 18, 2008, 11:12:59 am Sorry, my bad. I edited answer #2 to answer your question.
Title: Re: Traders and Builders Questions Post by: Frabeco on November 18, 2008, 12:55:17 pm Thanks!!!!!
I believe I get it now. Complete with an Abbey..no extra turn, complete with a road or city tile, then extra turn...... Also, if someone else completes for you, no extra turn. Also, place builder at the same time you complete, no extra turn. I'm so glad this forum is here!!! Title: Re: Traders and Builders Questions Post by: koolkat on November 18, 2008, 05:09:13 pm Ups! I was playing it wrong. I use to have extended turn after completing a city with my builder in it. This is why I like this forum. It helps us come closer to perfect play.
Title: Re: Traders and Builders Questions Post by: Novelty on November 18, 2008, 06:04:01 pm If you complete your city with the builder in it (not using the abbey tile, but a city tile) then you get a double turn.
Title: Re: Traders and Builders Questions Post by: koolkat on November 19, 2008, 07:14:39 pm Oh boy. Them I always played it right, right? :)
Title: Re: Traders and Builders Questions Post by: Novelty on November 19, 2008, 07:58:00 pm I have no idea what you "always" do :) But if you played it when you complete your city with a builder (and you didn't place the builder after the tile), then you get your extended turn (if you haven't already had the extended turn).
Title: Re: Traders and Builders Questions Post by: koolkat on November 20, 2008, 07:00:25 am Yes, that's it as stated before. :)