Title: Thanksgiving 2008 Post by: Novelty on November 16, 2008, 09:05:57 am [Apologies to those in Canada who had their thanksgiving last month]
I was just wondering if there is interest in a Thanksgiving set of maybe 12 tiles with turkeys and pumpkins and haystacks. No special rules, it'll just be something for fun just like the Winter 2008 set. If there is interest, I'll make a set next weekend... which should mean it'll be ready for the big day 11 days away... Title: Re: Thanksgiving 2008 Post by: mathguy89 on November 16, 2008, 02:40:05 pm I'd be interested in this set. Don't have any way to make the tiles yet, but I like the different things on the tiles. Makes the board even more interesting.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving 2008 Post by: Novelty on November 16, 2008, 06:27:48 pm Well, you can always print them out on a colour printer in the interim and stick them on cardboard (or on the extra copies of Count/ cult places that you don't want to use). If you don't want to permanently stick them on your tiles then use something like Blu Tack or some sort of temporary glue that won't spoil your tiles. You can find cardboard and glue at most craft stores (and I know there are quite a number of those in California :) )
Title: Re: Thanksgiving 2008 Post by: Novelty on November 17, 2008, 08:27:32 am Preview of a tile with pumpkins and maple leaves on the ground... please tell me what you think and if you would like to see more of these.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving 2008 Post by: Novelty on November 19, 2008, 09:02:54 am Modified shrine. There'll be a turkey farm and a modified cloister as well.
Image Removed Title: Re: Thanksgiving 2008 Post by: mathguy89 on November 19, 2008, 01:00:14 pm I'm liking these tiles so far. Are those leaves on the ground? If they are, maybe have some more and some different colors in addition to the red.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving 2008 Post by: Novelty on November 19, 2008, 06:22:45 pm There is brown and orange and yellow as well, it's just not showing up too well since it's next to the red.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving 2008 Post by: metoth on November 19, 2008, 07:19:39 pm Preview of a tile with pumpkins and maple leaves on the ground... please tell me what you think and if you would like to see more of these. If there are leaves on the ground here, shouldn't there be at least a tree or two near by? I didn't see any. Marie Title: Re: Thanksgiving 2008 Post by: Novelty on November 19, 2008, 07:56:32 pm I'll calling it artistic license :) I have no idea if you can see the pumpkins at that scale though...
And those dots aren't really dots, they are actually tiny maple leaves... but they can't be seen at that resolution I guess. Anyways, at least you can see the yellows and orange and greens in the detail below. Edit: And metoth, I added trees besides the new tile below just for you ;) Title: Re: Thanksgiving 2008 Post by: Novelty on November 21, 2008, 06:03:56 am The turkey farm... I'm using larger leaves for the new tiles (not the turkey farm) so that it's more visible, but I'm not going to change the older tiles that I've created.
Title: Re: Thanksgiving 2008 Post by: Novelty on November 22, 2008, 01:35:57 am Well, this isn't as nice as the Christmas/Winter 2008 set of tiles, but it'll have to do.
Tiles (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/junk/tg2008.pdf) No special rules. Title: Re: Thanksgiving 2008 Post by: koolkat on November 22, 2008, 08:07:18 am I don't think so, Novelty. To me, they seem pretty nice. And I'm not trying to be nice myself. ;)
Title: Re: Thanksgiving 2008 Post by: Novelty on November 22, 2008, 08:22:56 am Thanks for the kind words koolkat. I'm just saying I'm not as satisfied with this expansion than I was with the winter tiles in Winter 2008. Well, there's always Thanksgiving 2009 next year I hope. At least that will give people something to look forward to.