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The Archives => Completed Expansions => Topic started by: Novelty on November 15, 2008, 11:44:01 pm

Title: Swan Lake
Post by: Novelty on November 15, 2008, 11:44:01 pm
This is a Fisherman expansion and will feature:

A swan on a river which will work like an inn - i.e. double scoring, but scores nothing if incomplete at the end of the game.
Either Lady of the Lake or Ugly Duckling presona (depends on the image I find)

1 tile with a small stream ending in a lake with a swan surrounded by forests (for Scott)
1 river section with a swan and forests and a magic portal
1 stream source with a swan and forests on all 3 sides
[The above 3 tiles requires Forests to be used]
1 persona
11 river/lakes/junctions sections (no forests) with a swan

11 + 1 tiles total for use with Fishermen, +3 for use with Fishermen and Forests.

Comments welcomed!

Title: Re: Swan Lake
Post by: koolkat on November 16, 2008, 05:21:17 pm
Well. It's a nice thought. The I&C expansion is a successful expansion and so this will be too. Why don't you get some tiles with forests on them? I think it would be even better...
Nice going, Novelty...

Title: Re: Swan Lake
Post by: Novelty on November 16, 2008, 06:12:18 pm
Why don't you get some tiles with forests on them? I think it would be even better...

Erm... I did write...

1 tile with a small stream ending in a lake with a swan surrounded by forests (for Scott)
1 river section with a swan and forests and a magic portal
1 stream source with a swan and forests on all 3 sides

I bolded the words so that you can read better koolkat.

Title: Re: Swan Lake
Post by: Novelty on November 17, 2008, 07:58:06 am
And here's the expansion:

Tiles (
Draft rules (

Title: Re: Swan Lake
Post by: Novelty on November 22, 2008, 01:38:00 am
OK, let's just make the curtain call on this act:

Zip File with Tiles and Rules (
Rules (

Title: Re: Swan Lake
Post by: mathguy89 on November 22, 2008, 01:54:54 am
Novelty- on the rules it jumps from 1. Place a tile to 3. Score a completed river.  Other than that, things look good.

Title: Re: Swan Lake
Post by: Novelty on November 22, 2008, 01:57:54 am

Step 1 is place a tile
Step 2 is Place a meeple
Step 3 is Score

Since there is no extra meeple placing rules, it jumps that step.