Title: Obtaining New Tiles Post by: mathguy89 on November 12, 2008, 12:50:41 am So I have made a request to HIG about purchasing new blank tiles, but before I actually go and send in the letter, I've asked from clarification from them on weather they want the money in euros, or if US dollars at the current exchange rate is sufficient. I also want to make sure that I have all the necessary information. This was done two weeks ago, and I haven't received any response, so I'm beginning to get a bit frustrated; though I understand delays with Essens and things of that nature. If anyone has any information on these things, or has actually had dealings with HIG, I would be most appreciative for your insight.
Title: Re: Obtaining New Tiles Post by: Whaleyland on November 12, 2008, 04:50:53 am Remember that HIG has never officially released blank tiles, unlike RGG which released them with Cult, Siege, and Creativity. I assume they would want any payments in Euros. On a side note, I emailed RGG about replacement tiles a week before Essen (three tiles I received in CSC were ripped on the back) and they still haven't got back to me (I contacted the store where I bought them and they got me a replacement set). Definitely keep us up to date on this issue, though, as I believe many of us would be interested in the outcome.
Title: Re: Obtaining New Tiles Post by: koolkat on November 12, 2008, 02:06:42 pm How can I contact HIG to get blank tiles? Are they the pnly way to get them?