Title: Kettle of Fish Post by: Novelty on October 28, 2008, 01:31:22 pm Kettle of Fish is a expansion of Fishermen (formerly known as Row, Row, Row your meeple in a boat).
It will have fish trade goods, and a pennant (shield) on river segments for the Fishermen guild! It may also include some of these: * Fishermen promotion (with Aude/Orders of Chivalry icon) * * something for double turns (oyster with pearl maybe?) * * Or those may be in a future expansion. Edit: Strikethroughs to remove ideas that won't be in this expansion. Title: Re: Kettle of Fish Post by: Novelty on November 14, 2008, 09:30:37 am Here's the fish trade goods counter. The fish is from H&G. I know it's a fish, but I'm wondering if it actually looks like a fish on first glance... comments?
Edit: This expansion will have 30 tiles 13 with the fishermen guild icon 2 with the Orders of Chivalry icon 8 with Fish Trade goods 7 with an icon (oysters?) like the cherries that extends a turn. There will be no forest in this expansion. It will, however, have 1 shrine. Title: Re: Kettle of Fish Post by: Joff on November 14, 2008, 04:12:26 pm At first glance I thought it was........ a fish! :)
Title: Re: Kettle of Fish Post by: Novelty on November 15, 2008, 01:25:16 am OK, well, it's a bit too late to change them now.
Here are the tiles (click on the thumbnails for the pdf): (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/junk/kfish1tn.jpg) (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/junk/kfish1.pdf) (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/junk/kfish2tn.jpg) (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/junk/kfish2.pdf) And the rules (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/junk/kfishrules01.pdf). That was done in 2 hours. Whee! Title: Re: Kettle of Fish Post by: Novelty on November 16, 2008, 08:30:31 am Thanks to Joff, who noticed that the fish trade goods counters were not in the rules, here's an updated version (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/junk/kfishrules02.pdf).
Title: Re: Kettle of Fish Post by: Novelty on November 17, 2008, 12:08:26 am I'm just gonna stick a fork in this and call it done.
Rules (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/junk/kfishrules10.pdf) Zip with Tiles (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/junk/kettleoffish.zip) |