Title: Shoot the Dragon Post by: skipboris on October 16, 2008, 08:41:16 pm I recently discovered the "fairy queen and prince" and "Dragon slayers and riders" fan made expansions over at BGG. I hope to get another P&D set and try these expansions out together (along with using all those tiles on a few other expansions). It then got me thinking about dragon slaying. Wouldn't it be fun to shoot down the dragon?
Here's the variant: You can shoot the Dragon using the tower. If shot, the dragon is removed from play until another volcano tile is drawn. That's it. I think that if you're playing 2 dragons this won't hurt the dragon too much. Last time we played (s)he really didn't get many meeples, which is a shame. I think this, along with 2 fairies could make for some interesting strategies. Variant on dragon riding: rider gets to move the dragon an additional 3 squares at the end of the "Move the dragon" phase. This would increase the action for the dragon(s) when playing mega-carc. Not recommended for few expansions. Title: Re: Shoot the Dragon Post by: Novelty on October 16, 2008, 08:52:13 pm Interesting idea. How do you use the tower to shoot down the dragon? By placing a tower piece?
Title: Re: Shoot the Dragon Post by: skipboris on October 16, 2008, 09:37:48 pm of course! ;D
Title: Re: Shoot the Dragon Post by: CKorfmann on March 30, 2009, 04:50:14 pm Variant on dragon riding: rider gets to move the dragon an additional 3 squares at the end of the "Move the dragon" phase. This would increase the action for the dragon(s) when playing mega-carc. I'm not sure I'd give the rider three extra moves, but it seems logical to me to maybe let the rider begin the movement (rather than the person who placed the tile) and also giving them the last move essentially giving them one extra move. Title: Re: Shoot the Dragon Post by: Gwommy on September 07, 2009, 11:00:02 am I'm confused. I think I understand the 'shooting the dragon', but where does the dragon rider come in at? How do become a dragon rider?
Title: Re: Shoot the Dragon Post by: skipboris on November 16, 2009, 10:27:16 am I'm confused. I think I understand the 'shooting the dragon', but where does the dragon rider come in at? How do become a dragon rider? That's a different expansion. I think I saw it at BGG. Title: Re: Shoot the Dragon Post by: CKorfmann on November 16, 2009, 02:56:22 pm I'm confused. I think I understand the 'shooting the dragon', but where does the dragon rider come in at? How do become a dragon rider? There are three Dragon Rider tiles. When you draw one and place it, you are allowed to place one of your followers on the Dragon's back as a Dragon Rider. Title: Re: Shoot the Dragon Post by: elmendalerenda on November 16, 2009, 09:06:42 pm Why not use the catapult to kill the dragon and earn lots of VP? {v5