Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => General => Topic started by: Novelty on September 20, 2008, 10:23:18 am

Title: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Novelty on September 20, 2008, 10:23:18 am
Apologies for the spam, but does anyone know anywhere I could play by email (pbem).  Play Carcassonne, of course...

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Gantry on September 25, 2008, 02:48:48 am
Check out our Links ( page!

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Novelty on September 25, 2008, 04:08:00 am
Thanks Gantry.  I'll try out For Whom the Web rocks - Carcassonne e-Games ( (if I get to try out a game) and let you guys know how it "feels".  It's a pity they only have river and the base game though.

Edit: I signed up and was reminded that it costs 1 GBP/quid per game.  I guess now I have to wait to receive an email with my password, and further instructions.  Will update this post when I get more info.

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Novelty on September 26, 2008, 07:40:48 am
Well, I got the email to pay, which I did promptly.  1 GBP/game seems a bit steep and unless the experience turns out to be outstanding, I doubt I'll pay for more.

Then I had a query about my name, but that got sorted out - he respect my decision not to use my real full name, for which I was grateful.

I'm a bit at a loss of what happens next.  I've been placed on the waiting list, but haven't been told what will happen and how I will be playing, although I'm going to guess that the when will be when the games fill up and that the instructions will be sent to me by then.

It's also a bit of a pain to communicate via email and not have an automated response, but I guess that's the nature of a pbem... although I've experience better, this is not the worst.

More updated on what happens next when I find out!

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Jambo on September 26, 2008, 08:53:42 am
£1 per game is steep! Particularly when BSW is free, albeit not perfect.

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Novelty on October 20, 2008, 11:51:46 am
Oh and after almost a month, I'm still waiting for my games to start.  This is going to be a really slow game.

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: computerlove on October 21, 2008, 04:34:23 pm

I guess soon we'll say

Merry Xmas!

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Novelty on October 23, 2008, 03:55:40 am
I won't be surprised.  Well, it costs 1 quid to play, so it's not as if there are that many people who are willing to pay and play.  There are a lot of free to play sites out there as well.

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Novelty on November 10, 2008, 11:08:36 pm
My game finally started Wednesday last week.  Since we are playing with Rivers, I had to play a river tile with a road.  I played a thief as well.  Today I got my 2nd turn.  A river bend.  I emailed my move earlier.  It's been easy to play so far.

You can view the game at

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Joff on November 11, 2008, 03:23:21 am
Excellent. It's good that we can all see how the game is progressing... you can do this, Nov!


Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Novelty on November 11, 2008, 07:56:11 am
Heh.  I better do it.  I paid for it :)  I'm trying to think of strategies for Carc + River only... it has been a while since I played with only those expansions.

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Novelty on November 17, 2008, 08:26:41 am
My third turn (the one with the rivers) started today... together with my second game (without rivers).  I got to go first for the 2nd game, which is good (I think).  I am actually enjoying the game more than I thought I would.

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: computerlove on November 17, 2008, 07:17:29 pm
Too bad that if you want to play again you should have ordered a new game like two months ago LOL

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Novelty on November 17, 2008, 07:27:45 pm
Well, you know it takes 2 months, you can always order it 2 months before you want to play it :)

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Novelty on November 25, 2008, 06:50:37 am
The rivers game is getting interesting.  I just posted my next move which will get me 8 points (I think, if the rules are the same) and push me to the lead!

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Novelty on January 21, 2009, 02:07:45 am
Well, after two months, the game is more than halfway done.  I have yet to score for one of the games (i.e. 0 points in the non-rivers game)  The competition is tough, with everyone trying to steal my cities in the rivers game, but that's also the game I'm leading... or was leading.

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Lardarse on October 14, 2009, 11:43:58 pm
Thought you might want an update on this, seeing as I remember talking to you about it: Keith has recently added the Inns and Cathedrals expansion to FWTWR (

Title: Re: pbem Carcassonne
Post by: Novelty on October 15, 2009, 12:49:52 am
(Welcome back to posting LA)  BTW, is he still charging a quid per game?  Personally I felt as if the game finished too quickly, but it only had the base game and rivers.  I guess I'm just way too used to T&B and I&C mixed into the game...