Title: Carcassonne Games compared... Post by: henrysunset on September 02, 2008, 02:28:06 pm I have been working on this table for a few months off-and-on and wanted to share it with this community of active carcassonne geeks. I would love to get your feedback and make it better. I also am open to having this included in the CAR.
(http://www.tomalphin.com/carcassonnegamescompared.jpg) I have also included the .pptx (office 2007) file for your downloading convenience... http://www.tomalphin.com/carcassonnegamescompared.pptx (http://www.tomalphin.com/carcassonnegamescompared.pptx) Title: Re: Carcassonne Games compared... Post by: Novelty on September 02, 2008, 07:03:07 pm Wow, this is great! It must have taken ages to complete the table.