Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Rules => Topic started by: deb on September 02, 2008, 02:16:41 pm

Title: new player question on some rules
Post by: deb on September 02, 2008, 02:16:41 pm
Hello -

I am a new player and trying to figure out some of the rules.

1) Does a tower end a road?
2) If two small half oval city pieces are placed side by side - so that the wall dips in between - can a follower be placed on both of them???  Or are they already considered connected?

3)Can you choose NOT to score a small city that you just completed?
4) ARe famrs bounded by the rivers as well?
5) Can a farm go around the source of the river?

If anyone can help - thanks!!

Title: Re: new player question on some rules
Post by: Joff on September 02, 2008, 03:52:09 pm
Hello. Welcome to Carcassonne Central :)

Now to answer your questions:

1)  Yes. A tower foundation ends a road. Example:


    there are two roads here, seperated by the tower foundation.


    You might be referring to a cloister, in which case the same is true:


    there are two roads here, seperated by a cloister.

2)  I think I know what you mean here. If you mean like this:


    then they are not connected and a follower can indeed be placed on both of them.

    The same is true of this example:


    these are also not connected... yet! (and they might never be, if the right tile comes up!)

3)  Yes, by not placing a follower in that city.

4)  Yes, the river also acts as a boundary for farms as do roads and city walls. BUT... in the basic River tiles the farm continues around the spring and also around the lake.

5)  As above. Yes it can (The source of the river is also known as the spring)

                               (  (
                                   Spring         Lake

    farms continue around both of these features.

I hope that answers your questions. If you require any more help, just post a message and someone will answer any queries you might have. Enjoy your Carcassonne games and Carcassonne Central :)

Title: Re: new player question on some rules
Post by: deb on September 03, 2008, 03:27:25 pm
Thank you so much. 
I have just a couple more right now.

What happens when you run out of wine, grain, etc????   The game just goes on without theM?
Can a tower take a farmer prisoner?

thanks, deb

Title: Re: new player question on some rules
Post by: Joff on September 03, 2008, 04:20:43 pm
There are enough trade counters as there is tiles with the trade icons printed on them, therefore it is impossible to run out of a trade counter that will be needed for another tile. It is the player who has the most of one particular trade goods that collects the points at end game. If you run out of trade counters of a particular type (ie: wine), don't worry, there will be no more tiles to be drawn bearing that symbol (wine). Once all the counters have run out there can be no more awarded anyway as there will be no more tiles bearing trade icons. It is unlikely that all the trade counters will get used anyway, as they are only awarded for completed cities containing trade icons and usually they are not all completed by game end. The game continues as usual untill the last tile is drawn from the bag/stack/box (whatever you use). When the game is complete, then you score for the trade goods.

Yes, a tower can take a farmer prisoner.

No trouble at all, you are very welcome.

Title: Re: new player question on some rules
Post by: Gantry on September 04, 2008, 12:57:53 am
What happens when you run out of wine, grain, etc????   The game just goes on without theM?

deb, this is why it is VERY IMPORTANT that you stock up on a few bottles of good wine before you start gaming!  ;)

Title: Re: new player question on some rules
Post by: Scott on September 06, 2008, 11:02:07 am
If you run out of trade tokens, take a minute to look around on the floor.

Title: Re: new player question on some rules
Post by: deb on September 09, 2008, 01:04:03 pm
thanks Scott - ill look on the floor - especially with two youngish kids.

Title: Re: new player question on some rules
Post by: koolkat on October 04, 2008, 06:54:46 pm
Also see if the dog ate them...

Title: Re: new player question on some rules
Post by: mathguy89 on October 04, 2008, 09:15:58 pm
also make sure that you're only giving the trade tokens to the person who closes the city, not everyone who is in the city.

Title: Re: new player question on some rules
Post by: koolkat on November 03, 2008, 07:47:15 pm
Watch out, Deb. towers can also make wine bottles prisoner. And there's no bottle exchange on CAR.

Title: Re: new player question on some rules
Post by: tribepride on January 21, 2009, 12:00:19 pm
What happens when you run out of wine, grain, etc????   The game just goes on without theM?

deb, this is why it is VERY IMPORTANT that you stock up on a few bottles of good wine before you start gaming!  ;)
hahahaha  ;D