Title: The River Post by: Harry on August 09, 2008, 08:04:28 am Hello everyone,
I just received my basic game, and now discovered that if I had ordered from a UK or US site instead of the Danish "Spillehulen", I would have had the River expansion also >:(. Is it possible to get my hands on the River expansion somewhere 8), or is it only "River II" (already ordered) that is available ??? ? Brgds. Harry Title: Re: The River Post by: Novelty on August 09, 2008, 09:11:34 am I think the river is only available with other expansions...
Title: Re: The River Post by: mjharper on August 09, 2008, 12:03:41 pm As far as I know, it's pretty much impossible to get hold of individually. I got my copy in the box of the Carcassonne PC game—which is also now out of print. In fact, that was the only reason I bought the PC game, seeing as I can't even run the thing on my Mac ;-)
Title: Re: The River Post by: crasher on August 10, 2008, 05:48:38 pm The River expansion is sometimes available directly from your local publisher.
The River was not availabel when the game was frist released so Rio Grande for instance distributed it to US players by mail. Try emailing the company that publishes your version. -crasher Title: Re: The River Post by: Harry on August 11, 2008, 10:44:20 am The River expansion is sometimes available directly from your local publisher. Try emailing the company that publishes your version. -crasher Good point, and I got positive respons from info@enigmadistribution.com, the Danish reseller will send me the first edition River tomorrow ;D Cheers {ch, Harry |