Title: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Bixby on June 27, 2008, 12:24:12 pm Hello all:
I never saw an introduction section, so I thought I would just post a general "hello". I am pleased to discover this site, my wife an I really enjoy Carcassonne. She gives me a beating in this game quite regularly. I look forward to exploring the site and discovering all it has to offer. By way of introduction, I am Matt and I live in Regina, Saskatchewan (Canada). If you live in the Canadian Prairies, give me a shout, perhaps a face to face game of Carcassonne would be in order. Happy gaming... ...Matt (Bixby) Edit: I thought I would include some information that I posted in the introduction thread on another forum of which I am a member. I am BixbyCanada on Xbox Live: (http://card.mygamercard.net/lastgame/BixbyCanada.png) (http://profile.mygamercard.net/BixbyCanada) I am ThePhilosopher for my Geocaching account: (http://img.geocaching.com/stats/img.aspx?txt=Get+Off+The+Sofa&uid=c747c431-887b-4057-b033-4fbacb1c099f&bg=1" border="0" title="Profile for ThePhilosopher" alt="Profile for ThePhilosopher") (http://"http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?guid=c747c431-887b-4057-b033-4fbacb1c099f" target="_blank") What I have been Playing (According to BoardGameGeek): (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/jswidget.php?username=Bixby&numitems=5&header=1&text=none&images=small&show=recentplays&imagesonly=1&imagepos=center&inline=1&imagewidget=1']) My Wii Friend Code: 3723 0748 3164 3914 Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: mjharper on June 27, 2008, 12:28:31 pm Welcome to Carcassonne Central!
Hmm, why didn't we think of this before? Introductions all round, I think :) __________ So: I'm also Matt, 34 at time of writing, English, living in Germany for 10 years. Single, no children, not pets—I'd like to have a cat, though. I teach at university at the moment. No TV, but lots of books, DVDs and CDs. Currently listening to lots of Krautrock and Tangerine Dream in particular. Mac user, poet, explorer, universal soldier and… you guess which are true ;D Have a tendency to disappear for months at a time. I guess I'll have to update this again later. ::) Too many smilies, for a start. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Joff on June 27, 2008, 02:00:15 pm Welcome Matt.
Hmm, why didn't we think of this before? Introductions all round, I think :) Good idea! Hello eveybody. My name is John, my friends call me Joff. I am in the UK (Cambridgeshire). I am married to Lorraine and have 4 children (a 14 yo boy, 12 yo girl, 3 yo girl and a 1 week old girl, at todays date). Some of the games I enjoy are Carcassonne, Settlers of Catan, Zooloretto, Power Grid. I also have Puerto Rico, but as yet have not played it! Other hobbies are include reading and computing. I am a forklift truck driver but I am currently studying part time Christian Theology. Although i'm not on the Wii much (my kids don't give me a chance!) my Wii Friend Code is: 3177-6350-5719-6671 Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: mjharper on June 27, 2008, 04:46:11 pm and a 1 week old girl, at todays date. Hey, congratulations! {* {bc {chTitle: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Novelty on June 27, 2008, 08:50:58 pm and a 1 week old girl, at todays date. Hey, congratulations! {* {bc {chTitle: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: denalin on June 28, 2008, 02:33:11 am Hello, I'm Dan from Fairfax, Virginia (USA; 40 mins from Washington DC). I'm 18 and a student at Rutgers University (in New Jersey). I'm heavily into gaming, and recently have experienced a surge in boardgaming in particular. Carcassonne is my favorite boardgame, and I frequently play it with my friends and family. I enjoy all forms of media, and love change.
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Tobias on June 28, 2008, 06:06:36 am Well...
Tobias - Swedish. Age 37. I have a girlfriend (Sara) with whom I live. You can sometimes read stories about when I beat her at C. They are all true! :a4 There are three cats in the apartement, two are pretty nice but the third does not like people - including us. This autumn I will teach grammatics (among other things) at the university. Swedish - not english. I do not have a TV, but I tend to read a lot. I mean a lot. I like beer. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Novelty on June 28, 2008, 06:56:21 am Goddag Tobias, välkommen til här!
OK, are my grammatics correct? :p Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Gantry on June 28, 2008, 12:20:51 pm A thumbs up for Bixby for the great idea for a thread!
I'm Gantry, I'm a tech consultant by trade and an avid motorcyclist currently without a ride. :( My wife (Natasha, who rarely drops in here) and I look forward to playing when we can, which isn't very often. This last year I've been very busy with work as well as going back to college and remodelling our home. We enjoy hiking the great outdoors in our spare time, and over the last year I've been getting into one of my former hobbies, photography. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Scott on June 28, 2008, 04:20:57 pm Obviously my name is Scott. I'm 24 years old (turning 25 this year).
Other hobbies are include reading and computing. I am a forklift truck driver Spooky. I also drive forklift and enjoy reading and computing. Computers is what I studied in university; I worked in it for four years but found that working with them all day made me want to avoid them at night. So this year I got a job working in a warehouse where I am working towards becoming warehouse manager. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Bixby on June 29, 2008, 12:33:11 am Thanks for the warm welcome. After poking around a bit, it is a pleasure to see this is such a welcoming and friendly site. Kudos to the staff.
Congrats Joff. That is awesome, hello new baby - goodbye sleep. :) I am inpired by what others have written so I thought I would elaborate on some more of our hobbies. My wife and I Geocache, canoe, mountain bike, camp, hike, play paintball, drink beer, play Texas Hold'em, and many board games. Carcassonne is probably her favourite game and rates high with me. We have two lovely daughters in their early twenties. Life is good in the prairies, (although we are both from the Canadian Maritimes). Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Deatheux on June 29, 2008, 01:10:25 am ok let's go! i'm Deatheux(jp for family) i'm 31 and i live on the north side of Montreal(Laval) but i'm born in a particular region called SAGUENAY-Lac-St-Jean, i have a wonderful(and neverending patience to endure me) girlfriend(since almost 8 years!!!!!), we have 3 kids(7y(g)-2y(g)-7 weeks(b)!
i a HUGE fan of Music(TOOL, Fear Factory, SoaD, and Serj Tankian, KoRn, Slipknot, Killswitch engaged, As Lay Dying, quicksand, Cannibal Corpses, Disturbed, 10 Years, Cavalera Conspiracy) Wrestling(WWE/NWA), games, sports(Football CFL/NFL, Hockey(Nordiques RIP) Canadiens(GO HABS GO!!), biking) and of course..... food & beers! my favorites games(in order) are: EMMERLAÜS - the duel of mages, Carcassonne, Munchkin, WoW(BG), Ninja Burger, Cold War CIA vs KGB, Settlers of Catan, DJAVHA, Red Hot Silly Dragon Chez GEEK and so forth! ***Duke Nukkem RULZ! i play usually with 4-5 budd's but my GF hates every games i play(and she STILL so patient with me!) i hate many many things like taxes, kids driving 100mph in my 60 houses street, modified cars, seafood, imbeciles who builds SNOW PARK in Dubaï(@$%%?$%!#%#$%$%#), the gas cost, ketchup on my brand new pants, hitting my finger with a hammer, dropping an egg crate on the flood, washing the floors, new shoes, mess, financial help to the 100% healthy 16-35 years and "tough A$$" who thinks that smoking pot is coooooooooool & nasty(lol, pathetic) Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Gantry on June 29, 2008, 12:19:31 pm Joff: congratulations!
My wife and I Geocache, canoe, If you ever get the chance, do the Bowron lakes chain, it is AMAZING! Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: mathguy89 on June 29, 2008, 04:27:49 pm Hey everyone,
Name is David; home is Modesto California USA, though I spend more time away at school in Santa Barbara CA. 19 years old, only been playing Carc for a little over a year, but it is an amazing game ;D I'm studying math and physics at Westmont College, hope to be a teacher for either High School or College. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Bixby on June 29, 2008, 07:28:05 pm My wife and I Geocache, canoe, If you ever get the chance, do the Bowron lakes chain, it is AMAZING!Cool Gantry. Where abouts is that? I am not familiar with it, by name anways. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: canada steve on June 30, 2008, 09:31:58 am OK so this makes me the oldest on here at 40 then :'(. Im Steve, I used to live in Canada but am inthe UK. Married with two daughters.
Play Carc weekly. Play Catan and various other games quite often too. Love watching Baseball (Go Redsox), Ice Hockey (Maple Leafs) and American Football (Bucs and Pats) Read lots, David Gemill at the moment. TV, just the sports and some West Wing. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Gantry on June 30, 2008, 09:47:47 am Cool Gantry. Where abouts is that? I am not familiar with it, by name anways. It's a chain of lakes over 100km long, one of the top 10 canoe trips in the world. I had the good fortune of having lived near there some years ago. Some links: clicky (http://www.westcoastpaddler.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=81&pos=0), clicky (http://www.chrisharris.com/bowron-lakes-guide/index.html), clicky (http://www.bowronlakes.com/), clicky (http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/explore/parkpgs/bowron_lk/) and map (http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=53.169826,-121.127014&spn=0.596008,1.143951&t=h&z=10) Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Bixby on June 30, 2008, 03:33:37 pm OK so this makes me the oldest on here at 40 then... Nope. I am 44. :DTitle: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Bixby on June 30, 2008, 03:36:49 pm Cool Gantry. Where abouts is that? I am not familiar with it, by name anways. It's a chain of lakes over 100km long, one of the top 10 canoe trips in the world. I had the good fortune of having lived near there some years ago. Some links: clicky (http://www.westcoastpaddler.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=81&pos=0), clicky (http://www.chrisharris.com/bowron-lakes-guide/index.html), clicky (http://www.bowronlakes.com/), clicky (http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/explore/parkpgs/bowron_lk/) and map (http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=53.169826,-121.127014&spn=0.596008,1.143951&t=h&z=10) Thanks. I knew they sounded familiar, (and somewhat close). I enjoy canoeing, but it is my wife who is passionate about canoeing. She is planning a 5 week trip from the Yukon next year. I will pass on the Bowron info to her. Looks awesome. Thanks for the links!!!! Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Bixby on September 26, 2008, 12:36:23 pm *bump*
Just thought I would give this thread a nudge for any new members to post an introduction.... ...back to your regularly scehduled program. :) Title: New to the Board Post by: Cappy on October 09, 2008, 08:01:52 am Hello, all!
Long-time gamer here, but no quite a hard core wargamer. These busy days I tend to play games that the family can enjoy. You can find me around the internet always with this username, although it usually has a "17" affixed. (Which does not mean I'm 17 years old.) My interest in Carcassonne was recently rekindled when we acquired a second, open copy of the base game and I thought: hmmm, maybe I'll convert all those extra tiles into customs! As I searched for customs ideas, I came across Matt Harper's annotated rules compendium on BGG. Being thoroughly impressed by that body of work, I fully intended to thank him via a BGG PM or some such, but I could not be immeadiately diverted from my quest for variants. Which led me to the public downloads section of this board. Found Novelty's forest tiles and swooned with delight! "But such a small sampling," thought I, "here's goes my time into expanding that." As these thoughts were going on, I joined the board then started slowly poking around over a few days. Holy cloisters and cows! What a bunch of like-minded Carcassonne fans. Not only did I find mjharper right here, but I also discovered the whole forest expansion, and gold mines too! heh. Not only is this a group of fans, but you're knowledgable, imaginative, and dedicated to quality custom projects. I'm currently trying to work through the old posts before I post too much (I'm just that way). And I'v got quite a few oars in the water right now, so I'm not sure how active I'll be, but I am glad to be a member of the board. Hopefully you'll accpet me into your community. -- Cappy Title: Re: New to the Board Post by: Joff on October 09, 2008, 08:24:21 am Hi Cappy. We are pleased to have your company. Welcome to Carcassonne Central :)
Title: Re: New to the Board Post by: Scott on October 09, 2008, 09:42:37 am :-[ As co-creator of those expansions, I thank you. The first thing I did after joining was read all the old posts too. Like-minded indeed! I think you are going to fit in around here very well.
Title: Re: New to the Board Post by: Novelty on October 09, 2008, 10:36:13 am Welcome to here. Take your time reading all the old posts (I did too... but when I joined... well, there weren't that many of them...), but do feel free to contribute as well.
And thanks for the kind words about the forest expansion and gold mines, but forest is still work in progress at the moment. Please do feel free to suggest improvements! Title: Re: New to the Board Post by: Bixby on October 09, 2008, 11:53:10 am Welcome Cappy from another relative newcomers to this site. It is a great resource for all things Carcassonne and is full of creativity.
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Cappy on October 09, 2008, 09:22:59 pm ...and somehow I missed it and started my own thread. Mods, feel free to merge mine into here.
Geocaching... haven't done that in a while. It was great fun, wonder why we stopped? Maybe I'll see if I can't send a Carc tile to Canada? And you're no longer the oldest, Bixby. ;) Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Tobias on October 10, 2008, 01:20:38 am ...and somehow I missed it and started my own thread. Mods, feel free to merge mine into here. Geocaching... haven't done that in a while. It was great fun, wonder why we stopped? Maybe I'll see if I can't send a Carc tile to Canada? And you're no longer the oldest, Bixby. ;) Done! /Mod Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Gantry on October 14, 2008, 05:56:26 pm Welcome to the community Cappy!
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: PinkyMan on October 16, 2008, 04:33:27 pm Wow, this is an impressive site.
My name is Dion (37) and I'm a Carcassonne newbie (my game arrived today!). I've been playing the PC version for a week solid. At least once a week I play board games with a old school friend. I bought Carcassonne with a view to introduce my two oldest boys to strategy games other than chess. I'll be buying copies for friends now! Other board games I like: Blokus, Pentago, Lost Cities (OK, it's a card game), Lord of the Rings, Risk, Lord of the Rings:Confrontation and Risk Express. There are more, but these are the current faves. So... er HELLO! ;D Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Bixby on October 16, 2008, 05:25:48 pm Hello PinkyMan and welcome to the site as well as welcome to the addicting game of Carcassonne :)
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Gantry on October 16, 2008, 07:23:33 pm Hi Pinkyman, thanks for the kind words and we're glad you found us! Welcome :)
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Joff on October 17, 2008, 01:23:54 am Welcome to CC, Pinkyman.
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Novelty on October 17, 2008, 01:30:16 am Welcome to CC PinkyMan. You'll find that Carc probably is one of the boardgames with some of the most expansions... official and fan-made. Have fun here!
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Joff on October 26, 2008, 02:53:37 am For those that like a little humour:
(http://www.john-warren.co.uk/carcassonne/images/CC_forum_images/famous.gif) Just a tongue-in-cheek introduction ;) ;D Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Novelty on October 26, 2008, 06:21:51 am Oooh... can I take number 42 for my card please? Thanks. :)
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Scott on October 26, 2008, 09:26:02 am He has remained living with his parents ever since?
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Joff on October 26, 2008, 09:32:32 am Unfortunately not, Scott... I went and got myself married!
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Novelty on November 09, 2008, 07:31:13 pm Hello, all! Long-time gamer here, but no quite a hard core wargamer. These busy days I tend to play games that the family can enjoy. You can find me around the internet always with this username, although it usually has a "17" affixed. (Which does not mean I'm 17 years old.) -- Cappy Happy 46th Birthday Cappy :) Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: edmil on January 18, 2009, 03:23:24 pm Will joint the intro list. <y name is Eric (48 yrs) and my other half is Madeleine. 25 day old Carcassonne addicts. We hail from Melbourne, Australia. I do customer research and Madeleine is a teacher. No little tackers but one cat (the master). Hobbies: Geocaching, Travel (Australia, OS for Madeleine), We have also ventured into metal/gold detecting (part of our travels). I also enjoy getting out on the motorbike when time permit. This is our first board game and find it awesome. Great site has certainly answered some of questions.
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: canada steve on January 18, 2009, 03:49:36 pm Welcome Along Eric. Hope you find the site helpful and friendly.
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Bixby on January 18, 2009, 06:51:28 pm Hello Eric,
Welcome to the site, (from one geocacher to another). Happy Carcassonning!!! Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Novelty on January 18, 2009, 07:35:11 pm Welcome to the site Eric. Have fun learning the intricacies of Carcassonne, and if you do have any questions, please do feel free to post them here, we'll try our best to answer them.
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: hester on January 19, 2009, 06:17:05 am Hi,
um, now that I actually started posting (after just being a lurker for several weeks), I guess I ought to introduce myself. I'm 37, I live in Berlin (Germany), and I recently rediscovered Carcassonne after several years of not playing the game. Unfortunately I severely lack people who would play it with me on a regular basis, so for now I got myself the PC version and otherwise play solitaire if I want to use any of the expansions not covered by the computer game. Eventually I hope to get my son to play with me, but for now he's still too young. I also have plans to check out BSW as soon as my stategy improves... ;) Thanks for a great forum! Hester Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Novelty on January 19, 2009, 07:26:50 am Yay, another German speaking person. Welcome to Carcassonne central.
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: hester on January 19, 2009, 08:13:33 am Novelty,
thanks for the welcome, and BTW I bow to your tile making skills -- I still haven't decided which ones to make because there are so many great designs! Forests is a definite favourite though... Hester Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Bixby on January 19, 2009, 08:21:52 am Hello Hester:
Welcome to the site!! No need to hone your strategy before playing online. We are all friends here. You would likely beat me handily. Actually. I do not play on BSW, but I do play on xBox Live. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Novelty on January 19, 2009, 08:50:59 am Thanks for the kind words, hester. You can also contribute to the tile-making - just post a description of the tile you want in the thread you reach by clicking on the link in my signature - if you want to :) It might take a while, but I will get to the tile eventually (no more than a month usually).
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: meepleater on January 20, 2009, 02:30:10 am Guess I haven't introduced myself yet either... I'm Australian, and probably youngest member here (still in school!) I love this site and all of the members here, even though I don't post much. If you haven't seen me, I've just come back from a long holiday...
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Scott on January 20, 2009, 08:59:51 pm Unfortunately I severely lack people who would play it with me on a regular basis I feel your pain. :( Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: mathguy89 on January 20, 2009, 10:11:50 pm and probably youngest member here (still in school!) Not sure if you're the youngest. I'm also still in school - 2nd year of college which makes me 19 years old. Been playing Carc since HS graduation - ok couple of days before but close enough. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: meepleater on January 20, 2009, 11:43:53 pm and probably youngest member here (still in school!) Not sure if you're the youngest. I'm also still in school - 2nd year of college which makes me 19 years old. Been playing Carc since HS graduation - ok couple of days before but close enough. I'm still in high school... yes, I'm younger than 19... Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: mathguy89 on January 21, 2009, 12:42:37 am well I'm glad this game actually has appeal for both young and old. Wasn't trying to make a personal attack in any way, my apologies if you took what I said as such. I'm pleased to have a regular gaming group, though Carc seems to only make it out about once a month.
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Novelty on January 21, 2009, 12:48:23 am though Carc seems to only make it out about once a month. Once a month seems good. We play it on average once in 3 months :(Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Scott on January 21, 2009, 12:49:43 am Once a year for me. :(
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Novelty on January 21, 2009, 12:59:04 am Once a year for me. :( My Condolences :( You should really hook up with Gantry!Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: meepleater on January 21, 2009, 01:08:43 am Usually every few days it gets played by me and my family... sometimes even more than once per day...
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Gantry on February 28, 2009, 10:46:43 pm Once a year for me. :( My Condolences :( You should really hook up with Gantry!har har funny guy... :D Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: CKorfmann on August 03, 2009, 08:07:55 pm So I just found this thread today. I guess I've introduced myself a couple of times, but I thought I'd do so officially, here for everyone. Perhaps it will also revitalize this post and encourage other new people to post here as well.
My name is Chris Korfmann (35) and I grew up and spent most of my life in Pennsylvania, but am currently living in North Carolina with my wife and our son. We are expecting a girl in about three weeks. My wife and I have been married for two years and we met at Liberty University in the music department (I went back to school at 30, she is several years younger). She is a violinist and I am a vocalist. We work together in residential childcare and live part of the time with several teen-age girls. It is very stressful at times, but I am assured that it is very rewarding... I guess we'll see. ;) I have Pam from The Office to thank for my Carcassonne obsession. My brother-in-law was reading a bio for Jenna Fischer, the girl who plays Pam on the American version of The Office. In her bio, it stated that she likes to play board games and listed Carcassonne. He wondered what that was and looked it up. He thought it looked interesting and bought it for his wife's brother for his birthday. Their family played it and liked it and they eventually brought it over to our house and our family really enjoyed it also. One day while browsing FLGS, I found a Carc base game and a few expansions. I didn't know they had expansions and really liked the idea, so I picked up a few (P&D, Count, King & Scout). When I got home, I decided to look online and see what other expansions there were. When I read about Creativity, we started talking about all the possibilities and I began looking for ideas online. I landed on Carc Central and the rest is history... Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Whaleyland on August 03, 2009, 09:12:18 pm Good idea about the introductions. I totally forgot to ever post one. At least if I did, it wasn't on this forum. My name is Derek Whaley (most people seem to call me just Whaley...see Whaleyland). I am 26 and a freelance historian, royal genealogist, wannabe archivist, obsessive LEGO collector, perpetual student, certified secondary teacher, hopeful game designer, and am stereotypically unemployed. I grew up in the San Lorenzo Valley in Santa Cruz County, California. I went to undergrad and credentialing at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, CA, and went for my masters degree at Swansea University in Wales. I currently live in Mesa, Arizona at my girlfriend's parents' house. Yes, I know, it is indeed very weird. I have no job currently, but am selling old Fisher Price toys on eBay with my girlfriend and that is supplementing my income fairly well. I am taking some community college classes in the fall to defer loans a while longer, so that helps keep things cheap. Basically, I am trying to get my masters thesis done as soon as possible so I can get a job and get out of this crazy house. But, until then, I guess I will just keep trying to escape to CarcCentral and the numerous other websites I frequent.
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: CKorfmann on August 03, 2009, 09:52:37 pm I feel your pain... kind of. I'm living with my father-in-law half the time. It's not that bad though.
By the way Joff, I really like the Carc Card too! I want to be #11! (though I doubt I'd make the top 50 players in the world...) Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: djdahmer on August 04, 2009, 02:36:03 am I suppose I'd better introduce myself as well - I've been lurking here for months, but have only just started posting. My name is Ray (age thirty-mumble), I'm an analyst/programmer from New Zealand currently living in Cambridge (NZ) but am originally from Christchurch (NZ), which is where I got both of my degrees.
I recently got married (just got back from the honeymoon a few days ago) to a long-time friend who I met when she started working at the same small software house I was working for back in Christchurch. She spotted Carcassonne last year in a small shop in central Melbourne during one of our overseas trips & we both were fascinated by it. It took us ages before we finally got around to playing it, but were instantly addicted. I stumbled on this site early this year when I was searching for info on which expansion would be best for us to get first (we settled on Traders & Builders - great expansion!) & have been lurking ever since. In past lives I've been a part-time radio DJ, roadie, soccer player (when not off injured), wine, food & whisky fan (nothing like a good scotch), and have toured, sung backing-vocals, co-produced & been general dogs-body for the Christchurch band Human. There's probably more I should add, but I've been sipping on some 18 year old Bruichladdich & the mind's starting to wander a bit now ;) P.S. Thanks for posting here Chris - I'd probably never have found the thread otherwise. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Bietje on August 04, 2009, 07:01:34 am Hi,
It is time I introduce myself as well. I am Birgitte and are from the Netherlands. Please do not say Holland, that's only a very small part of our country. I am around for some time and enjoyed the marvellous expansions here. But so far did not have the time to mix in the discussions. But I just saw the magnificient expansion from JPutt927, the one with the cards. And I am thrilled. I must be fun to play with. So I'd like to introduce myself now. Regards and see you around, Birgitte Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: CKorfmann on August 04, 2009, 09:31:15 am P.S. Thanks for posting here Chris - I'd probably never have found the thread otherwise. No problem! I thought it might shake out some new people... :DTitle: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Bixby on August 04, 2009, 02:56:52 pm Hello Everyone.
Glad to see this thread revitalized. I always enjoy reading introductions and getting to know the community memebrs a bit better. Happy Carcasonning... ...Bixby Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: CKorfmann on August 04, 2009, 09:03:07 pm Thank you for starting it Bixby! :D
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Gantry on August 11, 2009, 09:34:18 pm btw djdahmer, when I first saw your screen name I wondered if it had anything to do with this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Dahmer), but I think now I get it:
I'm an I've been a part-time radio DJ, phew...! Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: djdahmer on August 12, 2009, 12:30:56 am btw djdahmer, when I first saw your screen name I wondered if it had anything to do with this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Dahmer), but I think now I get it: I'm an I've been a part-time radio DJ, phew...! Yeah, I get that a lot. It's a nickname that was given me by some (male) fans of the show - apparently my voice sounded kind of sinister over the radio, so they started calling me DJ Dahmer & it stuck. Funnily enough a lot of the females thought my voice sounded kind of sexy ... ;) Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: mick on September 16, 2009, 04:23:12 pm My turn now. My name is Steve (38), but I've had the nickname of Mick for many years. Good thing too, because I am from Canada (Toronto), and don't want to get confused with Canada Steve (now living in UK?!?) ;l7
My gaming introduction was Fluxx (still a fun game), but then recommended to Catan, and it's all downhill from there. Most recently, Carcassonne. My wife is a big Ticket to Ride fan, so we always 'argue' about what to play. We've also introduced some friends to these games, so we have a pretty good group going. My other obsession is mountain biking (go singlespeed!) When not biking or gaming, I spend my time as an Occupational Health and Safety guy. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Bixby on September 16, 2009, 05:45:00 pm Welcome Mick from another gaming and mountain bike enthusiast.
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Gwommy on September 16, 2009, 08:58:18 pm Hello All!
My apologies for not introducing myself beforehand. My name is Gwommy, which is a nickname from my real name(William) translated to french(Guillaume) and pronounced very badly in English. More people call me Gwommy in real life, so I've stuck with it. I'm from Michigan and enjoy traveling. I'd say I don't get to travel enough. My favorite color is purple and just about everything I own is purple. I'm also big into video games(anything but sports games) and only more recently into board games. My favorites(from least to most favorite) are Ticket To Ride, Apples to Apples, Robo Rally, Clue:Great Museum Caper, Chess, Mao, and of course, Carcassonne! I was just looking online for a set of the full and updated rules because of the obvious controversy between 1st and 3rd edition rules which I knew nothing about. But then I found this site and was simply blown away with all the fan-based expansions! I read one and thought it sounded like it'd be fun to play, then I read another and that one sounded fun too, and so on and so forth. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Bixby on September 16, 2009, 09:02:45 pm Welcome Gwommy. Interesting trip down the rabbit hole, one leads to another, and so on, and so on. :)
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: canada steve on September 17, 2009, 01:15:26 am Hey all and welcome along, Mick you in TO or out in the GTA ?
I must say I liked this comment from Brigette Quote I must be fun to play with. So I'd like to introduce myself now. Not often you get people on here being so open!!! ;DTitle: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: mick on September 17, 2009, 07:51:31 am West end TO.
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: canada steve on September 17, 2009, 09:08:52 am What Port Credit/Missisaugua way ? I used to live in Oakville.
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Gwommy on September 17, 2009, 10:31:49 am @Mick: My friends that introduced me to most of the board games that I like to play live over in Burlington. Perhaps next time I'm in that area we can make plans to meet up and play some Carcassonne(or other board game if desired).
Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: mick on September 18, 2009, 07:26:19 am Too freaky. I grew up in Burlington.
Canada Steve...not that far west. I'm in the Islington/Bloor area. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: canada steve on September 19, 2009, 01:45:28 am 8) Mick. We lived over by 3rd line so not too far away from Burlington at all.
Miss TO so much cant wait for a trip back. Title: Re: Hello (Introduction) Post by: Gantry on September 24, 2009, 03:14:34 pm welcome mick and Gwommy