Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Variant Workshop => Topic started by: Deatheux on June 25, 2008, 09:26:48 pm

Title: bonus for challenge(monk vs heretic)
Post by: Deatheux on June 25, 2008, 09:26:48 pm
The challenge between a monk and an heretic looks to not "give bonus points". So, when a challenge is won by a player, IF the winner of the challenge scores for the "cult place(c/a/s)" he scores 9 points... PLUS(by returning the opponent meeple to the suplpy) the winner of the challenge gains the # of tiles surrounded by the cloister as a bonus. that way, the scoring cult place worth 9 points + "x" points for the Abbey, Cloister or Shrine incomplete BUT almost sourround.

do it makes sense(like variant??)

i play it yesturday, and every cult places worth an extra 5 to 7 points... pretty good, thus we all know that almost noboby is interested to score the cult, due to the worthless value vs the amount of work to pick up only 9 points!!

i try to find out something to increase the way to battle out for the cult places, but it's not ez at all...

Title: Re: bonus for challenge(monk vs heretic)
Post by: Deatheux on June 27, 2008, 07:15:44 pm
while the AL's beat the living hell over the Ti-Cats, i play test the "bonus for challenges"

it is good but a bit rare, the extra pts worth above 3 to 7 points(max of 8 points). so the scoring for a cloister/shrine is 9 and the bonus worth in avreage 6 other points... not bad, but i prefer score a huge castle!!

Title: Re: bonus for challenge(monk vs heretic)
Post by: Bixby on June 28, 2008, 12:20:24 am
while the AL's beat the living hell over the Ti-Cats, i play test the "bonus for challenges"
Wait 'till the Riders get ahold of the Al's :D

Title: Re: bonus for challenge(monk vs heretic)
Post by: Deatheux on June 28, 2008, 07:51:58 am
while the AL's beat the living hell over the Ti-Cats, i play test the "bonus for challenges"
Wait 'till the Riders get ahold of the Al's :D

i know I KNOW, this will be a tough year for the AL's... but i will enjoy EVERY victories!(even vs.... Hamilton!)