Title: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: cattekin on June 21, 2008, 06:03:36 pm Are tiles from an expansion marked so that one could revert to the basic set and expansions after mixing them up?
Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: djwurm on June 21, 2008, 06:23:41 pm not really.
I have I&C, T&B, A&M, River 1 and 2, Count, and King and Scout. I just picked up a big box on ebay but havent gotten it yet The Abbey and Mayor expansion set is but the rest are not. The Big Box which is not in print anymore is marked. Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Novelty on June 21, 2008, 08:55:01 pm I think the Count, King and Cult Places set is marked as well.
Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Joff on June 22, 2008, 02:24:12 am The expansions that were released after the Big Box release are now marked on their faces. Unfortunately this only runs from Abbey and Mayor onwards :(
The Big Box can still be obtained new from eBay. Usually you will have to ship from Germany to obtain a copy. All the faces are marked in the Big Box edition (except the Basic tiles). Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Novelty on June 22, 2008, 09:01:49 am I think it's only I&C, T&B and P&D that will be difficult to separate out (and GQ11 as well). The rivers expansion features a river on every tile, and the tower expansion features the tower base on every tile. Those 2 sets are easier to separate out.
Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Gantry on June 22, 2008, 01:30:12 pm to me, i really like the idea of marking on the face. I'd been marking on the back, but if you draw tiles from the tower stack, the face makes the most sense, as well it's quicker to clean up if you sort out the expansions.
Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: denalin on June 24, 2008, 03:17:57 am I think it's only I&C, T&B and P&D that will be difficult to separate out (and GQ11 as well). The rivers expansion features a river on every tile, and the tower expansion features the tower base on every tile. Those 2 sets are easier to separate out. I recently picked up T&B as a standalone expansion, it included a little pig watermark on all tiles. I own the base set (with River I), T&B, GQ11, and Die Katharer. The base set is not marked, GQ11 is not marked, but generally the grass is noticeably darker, Cathars are obvious (broken cities and a monk image (possibly the first idea of marking tiles by expansion), and T&B is marked. I'd assume that all standalone expansions printed after the Big Box (including I&C, etc.) will also have watermarks. I'll keep you up to date as I acquire more expansions. The thing that will probably get me is differentiating between River I and River II. Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Joff on June 24, 2008, 03:44:23 am That sounds as if reprints are including the 'watermark' on them. I hope so.
Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: djwurm on June 24, 2008, 09:11:24 am That sounds as if reprints are including the 'watermark' on them. I hope so. huh.. I just purchased most of the expansions (except tower and P&D) in the last month and none of them except A&M had a watermark on them... maybe RGG has started doing it in the last few weeks or maybe I got old stock when i bought mine.. Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: denalin on June 24, 2008, 03:20:35 pm huh.. I just purchased most of the expansions (except tower and P&D) in the last month and none of them except A&M had a watermark on them... What does your T&B expansion box say? Does it emphasize that it's the 2nd expansion? Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: djwurm on June 24, 2008, 06:11:24 pm huh.. I just purchased most of the expansions (except tower and P&D) in the last month and none of them except A&M had a watermark on them... What does your T&B expansion box say? Does it emphasize that it's the 2nd expansion? ill have to get back with you on that one, I wont be home till tommorrow night (out of town on business!) Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Scott on June 24, 2008, 08:09:08 pm The back side of my River II set is a slightly different shade of gray than my River I set that came with the base game.
Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Jambo on July 04, 2008, 04:26:14 am I just bought the Inns and Cathedrals from Amazon and the tiles from this expansion had a little follower watermark.
Does it depend on where you buy them from or should buying the single expansions now mean they all have their watermarks? Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Joff on July 04, 2008, 05:29:42 am I would imagine that new print runs will contain the 'watermark'. Those that have not got the 'watermark' must be old stock.
Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Novelty on July 04, 2008, 06:38:13 am Do you have a scanner Jambo? I'm curious as to how the watermark looks like.
Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Jambo on July 04, 2008, 09:23:57 am I don't have a scanner. The watermark just looks like one of the followers.
Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Joff on July 04, 2008, 12:55:27 pm Are the watermarks like this:
www.john-warren.co.uk/carcassonne/images/watermark.jpg (http://www.john-warren.co.uk/carcassonne/images/watermark.jpg) Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Jambo on July 04, 2008, 02:24:52 pm Yes, exactly like the top right picture. I don't have the other expansions.
Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: denalin on July 08, 2008, 06:52:47 pm I did a little reconnaissance and I think that Inns & Cathedrals expansion boxes that say "Playing Carcassonne with the expansion brings you even more fun and excitement!" on the back do not include watermarks. I think I saw another box once that had different red text there. Can someone with watermarked tiles verify this?
I bought my tiles in a game store just yesterday, it's an old printing, and I'm kind of disappointed that the tiles do not have the watermark. It makes it difficult to separate these tiles. At least the Cathars are obvious, my T&B have them, and GQ11 tiles are just darker... {Pc Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Jambo on July 09, 2008, 03:39:48 am I'll check later when I'm home.
I did eventially buy the other expansions and apart from the Abbey and Mayor, none of the others had watermarks; not that it really matters for these because tiles from the Tower, Princess and Dragon and the Count all have distinct markings on them anyway: tiles from P&D either have a dragon, a volcano, a teleport, or a princess marked on them, tiles from the Tower all have towers, and tiles from the Count are start only. Tiles from Traders and Builders and Inns and Cathedrals are harder to distinguish from the basic set so I can understand your disappointment if only one of these had the watermark. Tiles from the King and Scout expansion and the River II were also not watermarked, but with only a few new tiles in K&S and the River II being starting tiles only, I don't suppose it matters too much for these. Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: cori226 on September 04, 2008, 01:02:04 pm Are the watermarks like this: www.john-warren.co.uk/carcassonne/images/watermark.jpg (http://www.john-warren.co.uk/carcassonne/images/watermark.jpg) Are all the watermarks come from BigBox ? .... I wanna to buy one....but I got all the expansion in the Big Box already @_@ .....and No one have the watermasks (out of Abbey and Mayor) Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Joff on September 04, 2008, 04:21:53 pm All tiles in the Big Box come 'watermarked'.
Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: cori226 on September 04, 2008, 08:08:19 pm All tiles in the Big Box come 'watermarked'. both of the HIG AND RGG verson??? Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Novelty on September 04, 2008, 09:06:51 pm Yes, the watermarks appear on both HiG and RGG Big Box.
The Watermarks so far: Base Set: Unmarked Rivers: Unmarked Inns & Cathedrals: Meeple* Traders & Builders: Pig* Princess & Dragon: Princess* Tower: Tower* Count: Unmarked King: Unmarked** Rivers II: Unmarked** Cathars: Unmarked Abbey & Mayors: Barn Graf, Koenig & Konsorten: Crown (except City of Carcassonne) Spielbox 2008: Pentagon * = only marked as part of Big Box ** = however the tiles in Graf, Koenig & Konsorten are marked with a crown. Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: cori226 on September 04, 2008, 10:58:30 pm * = only marked as part of Big Box ** = however the tiles in Graf, Koenig & Konsorten are marked with a crown. SORRY FOR ASKING ONE MORE QUESTION PLZ~ I can't get the meaning of "* = only marked as part of Big Box". It mean a few of the Big Box have gotten the watermasks OR only can get the watermasks from "ALL" the Big Box verion, But not the others single expansion version Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Novelty on September 05, 2008, 01:53:17 am Tiles from those expansions in all the Big Box copies will definately have the watermark. Single expansions printed before a certain time do not have the watermark, although I have seen some comments that some of the reprints of the newer single expansions (either I&C or T&B) has the watermark, but I can't confirm as I am not in possession (nor have I seen any evidence) of any single expansion with the watermark.
And please don't apologize for asking the questions... that's what a forum is for. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say questions are most definately welcomed. Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: cori226 on September 05, 2008, 03:18:33 am Thx a lot
One of my fd's I&C have the watermasks on every tiles and the "Box" right hand upper coner~~ Title: Re: Are expansion set tiles identified on their face? Post by: Jambo on September 05, 2008, 04:10:17 am My I&Cs and T&Bs had watermarks on them. My P&D and Tower did not; not that this matters since their tiles are easily distinguished anyway.