Title: Rivers and mayor questions Post by: Dagou on May 25, 2008, 07:42:02 pm When playing the river or river2, does placing the lake count as a players turn? As an example, player A places the last tile before the lake is placed, then does player B place the lake or is the lake placed by rule and then player B draws the first tile? In the completed annoted rules (great document by the way if not to say awsesome) it is not mentioned if the lake tile is placed as a players turn. "When the river is finished, the lake tile is placed, and the game continues..." If a mayor of strength 0 (i.e. no pennants) is alone in a ciy and the city is closed, does the player get points for this or does the mayor have to be of at least 1 one strength? Thanks for your help! Title: Re: Rivers and mayor questions Post by: canada steve on May 26, 2008, 02:07:15 am Last tile to be placed riverwise is the lake with the Dragon on it, which I believe allows the player to pull the first tile from the normal tiles. If you are talking about the normal lake peice then you dont get a further tile as you are allowed to place a meeple on it (farmer).
The mayor scores for the city it scores regardless of if there are shields in it or not. The mayor sort of acts as a normal meeple when on its own. Shield counts only come into play when there are opposing factors in a feature. Title: Re: Rivers and mayor questions Post by: Deatheux on May 26, 2008, 09:33:33 am strench 0 of a mayor does NOT score at all... see the FAQ : Blue has a mayor in a city with no pennants. Does the city count as occupied? And if so, when the city is scored, will blue score points?
--> The city is occupied. The mayor has no ‘strength’, so he counts as if there is no follower, and scores no points. the FAQ is awesome too! Title: Re: Rivers and mayor questions Post by: Dagou on May 26, 2008, 08:13:07 pm Thanks for the answers.
As for the mayor question, we've got conflicting answers. Anybody else have an opinion? Title: Re: Rivers and mayor questions Post by: Deatheux on May 26, 2008, 09:20:07 pm Thanks for the answers. As for the mayor question, we've got conflicting answers. Anybody else have an opinion? For the mayor, i just take the FAQ with copy+paste... i do not dream that! ;) Title: Re: Rivers and mayor questions Post by: Dagou on May 26, 2008, 10:01:14 pm Thanks Deatheux, I hadn't realized that there was a FAQ on this site. I always referenced the completed annoted rules when looking up stuff.
Great job to all of you working on this site! Best regards Title: Re: Rivers and mayor questions Post by: Joff on May 27, 2008, 02:46:07 am The mayor scores for the city it scores regardless of if there are shields in it or not. The mayor sort of acts as a normal meeple when on its own. Shield counts only come into play when there are opposing factors in a feature. This is incorrect. If a city is closed that contains a mayor and there are no pennants (shields) the mayor is worth nothing and cannot score for the closed city. |