Title: Your thoughts Please Post by: canada steve on May 11, 2008, 03:02:33 am When playing with the CofC expansion and it gets to the end of the game does anyone else find it mildly annoying thatthe other player if he has a meeple in the right quater can bring it down for freen and score big points off of a previously scored feature. For example I lost the other night because my opponent managed to bring two meeple down onto two towns I had creayed and acored, one at 75 points the other 56 so he walloped me. I dont agree with the way this happens but its in tje game mechanics so cant really argue.
What do you all think about this ? :) Title: Re: Your thoughts Please Post by: mdjvz on May 11, 2008, 05:09:07 am I would find it much more logical that at the end of the game you can ONLY put meaples in features which have not scored before ( so incomplete roads, cities,cloister or farms ).
But footmote 57 of CofC says otherwise. But of you replace ALSO by ONLY (so: follower can ONLY ;D be redeployed to incomplete roads, cities,cloister and farms) , I would agree. But maybe this was meant?!? Title: Re: Your thoughts Please Post by: Scott on May 11, 2008, 09:25:10 am It is my humble opinion that meeples can only be deployed to incomplete features. The answer from HiG regarding meeple deployment during final scoring is a little confusing.
Quote Beginning with the player on the left of the 'trigger' player, each player redeploys one of his or her followers from the city of Carcassonne to an appropriate feature on the board. Followers can also be redployed to incomplete roads, cities, cloisters or farms, since these will also be scored at the end of the game. It can be interpreted that meeples can be deployed to ANY feature, but I think that wasn't the intention. I think the first sentence was supposed to be in reference to the last tile played, not the entire board in general. This is the second time this has come up, and I think we need to get it resolved with HiG. Tiberius Title: Re: Your thoughts Please Post by: Deatheux on May 11, 2008, 12:24:28 pm i really doubt about the rescore the "scored" cities, the CofC expansion is to steal the "scoring" feature, not the SCORED features... in the foot note, this is looking like the scoring is about incomplete features AND scoring FARMS.
somewhere in the rules(or F.A.Q.) it's mentionned that we can't score the scored feature. Title: Re: Your thoughts Please Post by: Tobias on May 11, 2008, 04:14:03 pm When playing with the CofC expansion and it gets to the end of the game does anyone else find it mildly annoying thatthe other player if he has a meeple in the right quater can bring it down for freen and score big points off of a previously scored feature. For example I lost the other night because my opponent managed to bring two meeple down onto two towns I had creayed and acored, one at 75 points the other 56 so he walloped me. I dont agree with the way this happens but its in tje game mechanics so cant really argue. What do you all think about this ? :) "Followers can also be redployed to incomplete roads, cities, cloisters or farms, since these will also be scored at the end of the game." So, no, you can not place your meeple on a previously scored feature, since that will not be scored at the end of the game. But, I usually make sure to move the count to where it hurts the most beforehand - just to be sure ;) |