Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Rules => Topic started by: suomenko on April 30, 2008, 03:13:44 am

Title: Scoring my owm removed farmer when placing BARN on the field?
Post by: suomenko on April 30, 2008, 03:13:44 am
Hi All!

I do have one more question concerning scoring the barn (in the 6th expansion)

Could you please clarify: when I put the BARN to the field where I have majority of farmers (or share majority with some other players), shall I receive 3 points per adjacent city when I remove my farmers?  :-\

Initially I understood that BARN is kind of farmer improvement, and only other players (not me) who remove the farmers because of the barn shall receive points. I though it is a compensation that barn owner pays farmers when he takes control of a land. Thus paying scores to himself seems to be (IMO) illogical. After all I will receive 4 points instead of 3 at the end (but not 7).  ::)

Interesting that in Finnish rules out of the box the BARN is called ESTATE.


Title: Re: Scoring my owm removed farmer when placing BARN on the field?
Post by: Joff on April 30, 2008, 04:49:44 am
Could you please clarify: when I put the BARN to the field where I have majority of farmers (or share majority with some other players), shall I receive 3 points per adjacent city when I remove my farmers?  :-\

This is correct. When you meet the conditions and place a barn, the majority farmer/s of that field score 3 points per completed city (the same way as end-game scoring (remembering that if the pig is in play the score would be 4 points per city)). All farmers (and pigs) contained in that farm are then removed and returned to the players supply, the barn being left in play. If a farmer should be joined later into the field containing the barn, the farmer is returned to the players supply in the scoring phase of his turn, scoring 1 point for each completed city in the field. At game end the barn scores 4 points per completed city.
