Title: When must the trade goods, king & robber Baron be detemined? Post by: mdjvz on April 15, 2008, 10:50:17 am After reading the very good link of dwhitworth (see previous subject), I wondered when are the trade goods taken & when is the longest road, biggest city determinded (and the King, Robber Baron awarded) ?
I always thought this was a part of the scoring, so AFTER deploying followers, and after probably moving the dragon... Or was I wrong, and is this done immidiately after the tile is places?? Michiel Title: Re: When must the trade goods, king & robber Baron be detemined? Post by: Novelty on April 15, 2008, 11:49:46 am Trade goods is obtained during (or at the same time as) the scoring of the city as contained in the T&B rules. Likewise, I think the same for the King and Robber Baron.
Title: Re: When must the trade goods, king & robber Baron be detemined? Post by: Diminuendo on April 15, 2008, 02:47:09 pm The King and Robber Baron are awarded when a city/road is completed, thus scoring is irrelevant and it doesn't really matter whether they are awarded immediately after tile placement, after deployment of followers or after moving the dragon.
Title: Re: When must the trade goods, king & robber Baron be detemined? Post by: Scott on April 15, 2008, 07:39:49 pm In games that I've played, trade goods are taken immediately after tile placement, but any time after that (during the same turn) is ok too. King and Robber Baron end up being awarded during scoring because that's when we're checking the length/size. Also, I have custom scoring markers for the King and Robber Baron on the scoring track.
Title: Re: When must the trade goods, king & robber Baron be detemined? Post by: mdjvz on April 16, 2008, 03:28:39 am Well I guess it is only a matter of taste!
because the dragon cannot eat the current player, and the tower cannot capture the current player either, it doesn't matter when precisely the trade goods/Kingh/Robber Baron are awarded ;D |