Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => General => Topic started by: crasher on March 31, 2008, 09:37:45 am

Title: Tile Checklist
Post by: crasher on March 31, 2008, 09:37:45 am
Hey All! Long time no see. :P

A lot has happened since I last visited and I feel that with the incoming "Cults, War & Creativity", "Count, King & Consort" and "Spielbox '08 Cult Places" we are in need of a "Complete Game Tile Checklist". This would be a interactive document or web site where you could check off what you've purchased and it would determine what you have extra of, what you still need, etc.

This would facilitate trading and organizing for all of us.

Two features that may not seem obvious that I would like are:

1. Some way to keep track of which tiles you own that have the little set icons on them.
2. The ability to specify a number of "Complete Copies" of the game you would like to own. (For instance I own 5 partially complete copies, but only 1 complete copy [damn Cathars!])

What does everyone think? And if you like the idea what other features would you like?


Title: Re: Tile Checklist
Post by: Gantry on March 31, 2008, 02:19:06 pm
hey crasher, nice to see u around  :)

We have a very rudimentary system like that in the form of your forum profile, although at this time it doesn't track quantities of sets owned, only what you own/want/etc. I'd like to hear what other members think would be useful too.

Title: Re: Tile Checklist
Post by: crasher on March 31, 2008, 04:35:53 pm
I was specifically thinking about resolving the US/Europe item availability issue and the duplicate set from the small expansions being included in a new large expansion. Something like for CC.


Title: Re: Tile Checklist
Post by: Scott on April 01, 2008, 05:27:55 pm
Besides the individual releases, there were a couple of compilations. It's only in the past few months with the release of CK&C and announcement of CW&C that things are becoming a little confusing. Part of me thought that perhaps it would warrant buying a Big Box.

First copy - Base Game w/River + I&C + T&B + King + Count + P&D + River2 + Tower + CW&C
Second copy - RGG Big Box (incl. River) + CK&C

That would leave A&M to float between the two copies, unless I buy another.

Either way, we're getting shafted into buying more than what we really need, but I feel inferior with my non-Big Box unmarked tiles.

Then I discovered on BGG that the Big Box is out of print, which makes me think that a new Big Box is coming. (2H 2008?) Now I don't feel that I can do anything beyond buying CW&C without first getting some sort of confirmation about my Big Box theory (whether it be right or wrong). And of course I only ordered one copy of the new Spielbox almanac.

Anyways, I don't feel it difficult to keep track of this, and such a tool would just be a constant reminder that I don't have Cathars. *shakes fist* However, it's probably worth doing for those who are new to the game and might help them make better informed purchasing decisions?