Title: Dungeons of Carassonne Post by: dwhitworth on March 25, 2008, 02:44:44 am (EDIT: This has been significantly edited on March28/08 to simplify the original and make some changes as a result of play testing.)
Rationale This cross-expansion variant uses the Tower and Princess and Dragon tiles and pieces in a new way. It has the advantage of not requiring anything new. I have tried to keep the rules in the spirit of the various normal uses of the pieces involved, except in the optional rule at the end. Overview Imagine dungeons below the cities and countryside around Carcassonne connected by tunnels that have entrances in tower foundations. When placing a tower tile, instead of usual deployments, a player may move a follower or mayor (not a wagon) into the dungeon and, optionally, out of it again at another entrance . On any turn, instead of usual deployments, a player may move a follower out of the dungeon. The dungeon is represented by a space set aside on the playing table to temporarily place followers, the fairy and dragon . The dragon must enter the dungeon and end its movement when moved to a tower tile. It does not eat followers hiding in the dungeon, but prevents them from entering or leaving, except by use of the fairy. The advantages of the dungeon are, a) followers can enter features that are occupied and create competition for a majority, b)using the dragon to “freeze” another player's pieces in the dungeon, c) moving pieces to unoccupied farms that are otherwise inaccessible. Moving pieces INTO the dungeon
Moving pieces OUT of the dungeon.
Moving the dragon INTO the dungeon
Moving the dragon OUT of the dungeon
Optional rule. This rule conflicts with my original intention to keep the abilities of each piece within the scope of those they have in the game. But it might be necessary to keep the dragon moving. If a player has a big follower in his hand when he plays the dungeon entrance tile and the dragon is in the dungeon, then the big follower may be deployed to flush the dragon out as an alternative to another deployment action. The big follower is killed in the action and is returned to the player. The dragon is expelled to an entrance or volcano of the player's choice and eats any of its normal food items there. Title: Re: Dungeons of Carassonne Post by: Novelty on March 25, 2008, 04:26:05 am What special tiles are required? :)
Title: Re: Dungeons of Carassonne Post by: Gantry on March 25, 2008, 09:47:09 am Quote The dragon eats anything it can on the exit tile on the way out. What is the definition of "anything it can"? (You know someone would have to ask!) ie the tower pieces themselves, etc. Title: Re: Dungeons of Carassonne Post by: Tobias on March 25, 2008, 10:30:47 am Hehe, I like this {Pb
I really need to test this someday - it makes C even more competitive and agressive, and I like that. One could even use these rules with Evil C as well, and that is really good! Title: Re: Dungeons of Carassonne Post by: dwhitworth on March 25, 2008, 11:53:42 am @Novelty, If I had wanted a variant with new tiles it would have been called . . "Novelty's River Delta". ;D
Hmmm, maybe that's not such a bad idea . . . . . . @Gantry, "Anything it can" was meant to mean anything it can normally eat. So that would be anything except tower blocks and barns. And then I thought, "Unless the fairy was on the tile . . . ." Ah! but that must mean that the player can't choose to have the dragon exit at an entrance where the fairy is present. There is always something gets missed!! Thanks for the thought. Title: Re: Dungeons of Carassonne Post by: dwhitworth on March 28, 2008, 08:03:06 pm I have significantly revised the original post above as the result of play testing several times. The stuff with the fairy was unnecessary and too complex. The other rules have been simplified.
It plays quite nicely in a game of mega carc with two players. Please take a second look and let me know if you have a chance to play test it. |