Title: CC Front Welcome Page Post by: Joff on March 05, 2008, 04:23:37 am Is there anyone here that thinks there is a sattelite dish on top of the tower picture on the front home page of CC?
Perhaps Sky TV had pervaded medieval Carcassonne. The reason other tower guards were often captured is because the lookouts were all busy watching Lost! ;l7 Title: Re: CC Front Welcome Page Post by: Diminuendo on March 05, 2008, 06:25:09 am Now that you have introduced the idea, I doubt I will be able to see anything else than a satellite dish. =)
Title: Re: CC Front Welcome Page Post by: Gantry on March 05, 2008, 09:58:37 am ;l7
Title: Re: CC Front Welcome Page Post by: dwhitworth on March 05, 2008, 11:46:53 am If you zoom in to the picture, just before it gets toooo pixelated it seems to have a bright yellow spot in the centre and a lever at the side. Could it be a medieval signaling lantern? A Dragon Early Warning system? But then again, look at the antenna on top . . . its a mobile phone tower. Yes, that makes sense. They called Cathar's Pizza and look what happened . . . ;)
Title: Re: CC Front Welcome Page Post by: Scott on March 05, 2008, 11:56:04 am I wouldn't have noticed it on my own, but now that I look, I see it.
Title: Re: CC Front Welcome Page Post by: Wishmaster on March 14, 2008, 01:01:05 pm I think you're all wrong.... it's a bloke standing at the top of the tower yelling at the top of his voice: " I've got a set of Cathars, nah nah n-nah nah!!!" ;D