Title: Does it work with 7-10 players? Post by: Nors on February 26, 2008, 01:01:32 am Hi.
Just wondering, with the 4 new color available from www.meeplepeople.com have anyone tried to play with more than 6 players. (If not, would you think that it would work?) Thanks for at great forum (my first post was 2 min. ago ;D) Title: Re: Does it work with 7-10 players? Post by: Tobias on February 26, 2008, 05:09:59 am It slows down quite a bit with six players already, seven would be cumbersam and ten .. well. On the other hand: it would be nice to try it some time!
Title: Re: Does it work with 7-10 players? Post by: Novelty on February 26, 2008, 05:55:53 am Are there extra wagon and pigs and builder, etc. on meeplepeople.com? I don't see any (but I could be wrong). I'm not sure I'll be used to a game without builders.
Title: Re: Does it work with 7-10 players? Post by: Nors on February 26, 2008, 06:46:00 am Hopefully they should be available in a few weeks...
Title: Re: Does it work with 7-10 players? Post by: Joff on February 26, 2008, 08:27:45 am I have used a fantastic dealer from Germany on eBay. Peter, the owner, has available several colours of meeples with the big follower, pig and builder. They are at a good price also. Contact him: http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Spiele-Agentur-Mick-Ado (http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Spiele-Agentur-Mick-Ado)
As well as Carcassonne tokens, he also supplies tokens for many games. I have used him for meeples and other game tokens for use in Carcassonne variants. He will be pleased to assist. :) *Edit: the shop address is: http://stores.ebay.de/Spiele-Agentur-Mick-Ado (http://stores.ebay.de/Spiele-Agentur-Mick-Ado) This is on the German eBay site, but will list all items he has for sale (via the UK eBay address it will not show all his items). Try translating the page via Babel Fish. He will ship outside Germany. Contact him, he's very helpful. Title: Re: Does it work with 7-10 players? Post by: Nors on February 26, 2008, 02:07:23 pm Thanks for the link. But I am starting to doubt that the additional pieces for 7-10 players is worth the money (e.g. it wont work).
It was just a tempting idea ;D Title: Re: Does it work with 7-10 players? Post by: Gantry on March 01, 2008, 02:33:29 pm Joff, I'm under the impression that what he is selling is actual Carc pieces that are possibly quality rejects, do think this is possible? Or maybe I'm reading the translation of his description wrong?
Title: Re: Does it work with 7-10 players? Post by: Joff on March 02, 2008, 12:45:18 am I suppose they could be. However, the parts I have obtained from him show no evidence of being quality rejects at all. The orange meeple set that I obtained (because I play orange in Settlers! :) ) are actually IMHO as good as (if not better) than those packaged with the game! I have obtained the Clans huts and other wooden pieces from him, again with no quality issues. I would not hesitate in using Peter again for my wooden game parts.
On the other hand, I ordered just 30 meeples (in various colours) from Meeple People and had three 'armless' meeples in that one shipment alone (that's 10% rejects!!!). I'm just waiting for someone to supply me an orange wagon, barn and mayor! I hope i'm not waiting too long. |