Title: The Tower: Implications in Completing a Cloister Post by: meeplesISpeeples on February 11, 2008, 11:31:34 pm Came across the following issue when playing Carcasonne The Tower with my wife.
I drew a tile with a tower place on it. I placed it so that it completed my wife's Cloister. I placed one of my wooden tower pieces on the tower place, directly above her Cloister. My question is: Does she get the points for the Cloister, or do I get to take her follower before she scores the Cloister? Thanks, meeplesISpeeples Title: Re: The Tower: Implications in Completing a Cloister Post by: Joff on February 12, 2008, 01:32:41 am You get to place a tower piece and capture a follower before scoring takes place. So, in this case, you are at liberty to remove her monk occupying the cloister and she would recieve no points for him.
Title: Re: The Tower: Implications in Completing a Cloister Post by: Scott on February 12, 2008, 09:57:20 am I concur.
Title: Re: The Tower: Implications in Completing a Cloister Post by: meeplesISpeeples on February 13, 2008, 12:25:54 am Thank you very much!
:D Title: Re: The Tower: Implications in Completing a Cloister Post by: canada steve on February 13, 2008, 11:00:12 am Hang on if he just placed the tile then placed a tower piece isnt that his go and the tower doesnt belong to anyone so no other pieces are affected ? Therefore would not the good lady score for her completed cloister ? The tower only captures meeple if there is a meeple on the Tower I think !
Title: Re: The Tower: Implications in Completing a Cloister Post by: Scott on February 13, 2008, 11:22:04 am No, placing a meeple on the top of a tower prevents meeples from being taken prisoner. It's the act of building a tower taller that causes/allows capturing of prisoners.
Title: Re: The Tower: Implications in Completing a Cloister Post by: mjharper on February 13, 2008, 12:59:58 pm Scott's right.
Title: Re: The Tower: Implications in Completing a Cloister Post by: Novelty on February 13, 2008, 08:31:55 pm Yeah, I got confused with the meeple on top of the tower thing. Everytime you place a wooden block on a tower square or a tower piece, you get to capture a piece, something that needs to be highlighted.