Title: Carc Spinoffs Post by: Scott on February 06, 2008, 12:35:39 pm Most of the discussion around here is pretty heavily focussed on the original Carc and it's expansions, but according to the Carc Central home page, this site encompasses the spinoffs too. Matt's Annotated Rules is an awesome piece of work, and I'm starting to think that some of the spinoffs could use a similar treatment. I'm not in a position to do it myself, and I don't think it would be fair to expect Matt to do it. The tricky thing is, we need somebody who can translate from German to English, because I don't think RGG would let us regurgitate their stuff.
Some other stuff, like layout design and preparing a consolidated tile reference, wouldn't require translation skills, so it could be a joint effort between two or more people. Any takers? Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: Tobias on February 06, 2008, 01:00:13 pm I think I've promised to do that ... but I'm .. um, still working on it ;)
Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: mjharper on February 06, 2008, 01:32:00 pm I totally agree that we don't have enough on the spin-offs around here. But I've never bought one nor even played one, so I can't help out much either ;)
Still, I may be able to help with translations… knowing the games and how they work helps, though. Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: Tobias on February 06, 2008, 03:06:10 pm I totally agree that we don't have enough on the spin-offs around here. But I've never bought one nor even played one, so I can't help out much either ;) Still, I may be able to help with translations… knowing the games and how they work helps, though. You've already translated everything, I think ;) Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: mjharper on February 06, 2008, 03:11:52 pm Not the spin-offs I haven't.
Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: Tobias on February 06, 2008, 03:31:55 pm Not the spin-offs I haven't. Hrmf! Well, some of it at least :) http://www.boardgamegeek.com/article/572852#572852 Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: mjharper on February 06, 2008, 04:16:53 pm Eh, there were only about 3 questions…
My past coming back to haunt me ::| Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: Tobias on February 06, 2008, 04:24:46 pm Eh, there were only about 3 questions… My past coming back to haunt me ::| It's a start! Besides, since H&G (in this example) doesn't have 400 expansions, there is bound to be less questions. Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: Gantry on February 07, 2008, 12:17:26 am I have been somewhat surprised that there has been so little activity around the other spinoffs :-\
Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: dwhitworth on February 07, 2008, 12:33:39 am I have been somewhat surprised that there has been so little activity around the other spinoffs :-\ Is there a way to analyse (anonymously of course) the profile data of forum members to get a sense of how many of us own/have interest etc. in each of the spinoffs? Might give us a picture of the popularity of each. OR, can we set up a question in the Voting area to ask a couple of questions about how often people play what in the way of spinoffs. But then it could just be that Carc is the best game of the lot ;D Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: Tobias on February 07, 2008, 02:51:13 am OR, can we set up a question in the Voting area to ask a couple of questions about how often people play what in the way of spinoffs. But then it could just be that Carc is the best game of the lot ;D "Best" is a awkward word to use in that sense. When I'm going to introduce C to non gamers I bring Arc - that's the best choice in my opinion. The sheep is easier to grasp than the farm. I find myself playing one of the siblings more often than original C - mostley because there are too many expansions to chose from. Instead of taking the debate if P&D or TT should be included or not, we just go with H&G - problem solved with much less effort. If we're only two players, we are much more likley to play Castle, not the original. Etc. ;) Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: Gantry on February 07, 2008, 03:41:12 am Is there a way to analyse (anonymously of course) the profile data of forum members to get a sense of how many of us own/have interest etc. in each of the spinoffs? Might give us a picture of the popularity of each. The custom profile fields don't have any reporting functions built-in. I ran an SQL query for players that "own" H&G, and the list doesn't tally (with the tool I'm using; I don't know SQL syntax well enough to do it by hand), but I counted them as being 100 (out of 555 registered members). The tool also creates a PHP statement to pull out that info, so theoretically I could create PHP statements to tally all the custom fields. Something I'll add to my very long to-do list! Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: EcoGuy on February 07, 2008, 07:22:09 am I have the German rules for Die Stadt the only spin-off I have played that I can pdf and post if anyone is interested. Although a bit more complicated with scoring and the walls my little nephew likes this one better then the original.
Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: dwhitworth on February 07, 2008, 11:29:56 am OR, can we set up a question in the Voting area to ask a couple of questions about how often people play what in the way of spinoffs. But then it could just be that Carc is the best game of the lot ;D "Best" is a awkward word to use in that sense. When I'm going to introduce C to non gamers I bring Arc - that's the best choice in my opinion. The sheep is easier to grasp than the farm. I find myself playing one of the siblings more often than original C - mostley because there are too many expansions to chose from. Instead of taking the debate if P&D or TT should be included or not, we just go with H&G - problem solved with much less effort. If we're only two players, we are much more likley to play Castle, not the original. Etc. Point taken. By "best" I was probably thinking "most popular". Which simply leads me to redundancy . . "most popular because it is most popular" . . . :'( We play two handed often and while we don't really mind two or three hour games (with a break for refreshments) I would be interested in people's thoughts on the question of which of the spinoffs are most suitable for two players. Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: Scott on February 07, 2008, 12:06:01 pm The custom profile fields don't have any reporting functions built-in. I ran an SQL query for players that "own" H&G, and the list doesn't tally (with the tool I'm using; I don't know SQL syntax well enough to do it by hand), but I counted them as being 100 (out of 555 registered members). The tool also creates a PHP statement to pull out that info, so theoretically I could create PHP statements to tally all the custom fields. Something I'll add to my very long to-do list! I'm not sure how the custom profile fields are stored in the database, but I would guess they are in their own table? Code: SELECT username FROM Users JOIN CustomProfileFields ON Users.userid = CustomProfileFields.userid WHERE CustomProfileFields.description = 'Hunters and Gatherers' Keep in mind I have no clue what the names of the tables or fields are, so this is just an example to give you an idea of how to achieve it. I have the German rules for Die Stadt the only spin-off I have played that I can pdf and post if anyone is interested. Although a bit more complicated with scoring and the walls my little nephew likes this one better then the original. I'm a little wary of posting a PDF publically here; would be best to e-mail it to the person that will translate. So far nobody else has said they are able to translate, so it might be Matt... If we're going to imitate the style, the person who volunteers to do the layout will need to see the German PDF too. Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: Tobias on February 07, 2008, 12:33:31 pm Point taken. By "best" I was probably thinking "most popular". Which simply leads me to redundancy . . "most popular because it is most popular" . . . :'( We play two handed often and while we don't really mind two or three hour games (with a break for refreshments) I would be interested in people's thoughts on the question of which of the spinoffs are most suitable for two players. Castle is made to be played by two people, you can't play it any other way. So, it's the best! :) It plays quite a bit different though, I made a review of it that you can read if you want to: http://www.carcassonnecentral.com/forum/index.php?topic=64.0 Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: Tobias on February 07, 2008, 12:35:15 pm I'm a little wary of posting a PDF publically here; would be best to e-mail it to the person that will translate. So far nobody else has said they are able to translate, so it might be Matt... If we're going to imitate the style, the person who volunteers to do the layout will need to see the German PDF too. I have all the spin-offs except The City, so I can scan the rules (in english) if people want me to. Title: Re: Carc Spinoffs Post by: Gantry on February 07, 2008, 02:58:44 pm I'm not sure how the custom profile fields are stored in the database, but I would guess they are in their own table? That's what I thought, and I couldn't find it. So then I assumed they might be stored in flat files, but couldn't find those either. So I dug through the documentation and they're stored in the themes table ??? |