Title: Playing with spin-offs Post by: Novelty on February 01, 2008, 02:16:25 am Is it possible to integrate any of the spin-offs - City, Discovery, H&G, Scout (of King & Scout) etc. into the main game? Are there any variant rules for those?
Title: Re: Playing with spin-offs Post by: Gantry on February 01, 2008, 02:19:43 am I'm sure it's possible, but none of the variants I have in the Variant Registry (http://creator.zoho.com/gantry/html/4/sOEuxHC6P4z8fqXftpXUg3GKut5FprJ6us1jdCFhAY7SRqPtJXC5xhujqABTu18bnBuPMkfHgDg5TQMSpGdEX8mH5pnDqYZqyHJW/) are written for any of the Carc spin-offs, but many do work with the existing game + expansions.
Title: Re: Playing with spin-offs Post by: Novelty on February 01, 2008, 02:40:44 am I was thinking about existing game + Expansions + spin-offs. So, for example, special rules for playing Carcassonne + Ark of the Covenant + Cathars + Abbey & Mayors + King, Count & Cultist, to play the "religious" game. Does anything exist, or do people generally think it's not a good idea to mix the spin-offs with the existing game?
Title: Re: Playing with spin-offs Post by: Scott on February 01, 2008, 11:19:32 am I've read just about every Carc variant there is, and I haven't come across anything like this either. It's probably doable, but the graphics might not match up. Based on what I've seen of the H&G tiles, I don't think they would fit well. Discovery probably has the best chance of success?
Title: Re: Playing with spin-offs Post by: EcoGuy on February 05, 2008, 08:07:52 am I posted this under a different thread and although it would make for a marathon Carcassonne session I thought of playing the original carcassone with any expansions you choose but then play The City to resolve ties in scoring completed cities.
Yeah call me a geek but it combines one of the spin-offs with the original :) Title: Re: Playing with spin-offs Post by: Novelty on February 05, 2008, 08:34:34 am Heh, do you play with H&G to settle ties for farms at the end?
Title: Re: Playing with spin-offs Post by: EcoGuy on February 05, 2008, 08:40:15 am I have yet to play H&G but based on what I know not a bad idea but might need to put aside a weekend to play ;D
Title: Re: Playing with spin-offs Post by: Cappy on October 14, 2008, 04:08:09 pm Well, I didn't see anything in the guidelines against thread necromancy, so I'm raising an old one rather than start another.
My family has tried to combine H&G with Carcassonne... didn't work well at all. The terrain features just don't mix. Soon, however, I hope to unleash a combined Ark & Carc game upon them. Will keep you posted on how it goes. Title: Re: Playing with spin-offs Post by: Scott on October 14, 2008, 08:20:11 pm I prefer the term "thread archeology". ;D