Title: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Novelty on January 28, 2008, 10:22:33 am Will King, Count and Consort be added to our profiles?
Edit: That's fast. It was added immediately after I posted this. :o Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: mjharper on January 28, 2008, 10:34:21 am Was already there… ;)
Did it not show up when you made your account? Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Novelty on January 28, 2008, 06:26:49 pm Nope, I made my account a few days ago and just lurked around to make sure I wouldn't be doing anything... stupid :o
Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: mjharper on January 29, 2008, 02:24:37 am Right… I added the item to the profile on, er, Friday? I should have checked when you joined.
Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Scott on January 29, 2008, 10:22:40 am Hmm... it defaulted to "owns". Not ideal, but too late now.
Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Gantry on January 29, 2008, 11:29:39 am Hmm... it defaulted to "owns". Not ideal, but too late now. We can have them all default to all the same thing, but really there is no right choice to default to (unless I create a blank choice... hmm) Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Tobias on January 29, 2008, 01:29:40 pm Hmm... it defaulted to "owns". Not ideal, but too late now. We can have them all default to all the same thing, but really there is no right choice to default to (unless I create a blank choice... hmm) Having owns as default goes well in hand with the geekiness of this site. ;) Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Gantry on January 29, 2008, 01:32:01 pm ;l7
Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Novelty on January 29, 2008, 08:18:33 pm I'm curious as to why "no interested" is used instead of "no interest" for K,C&C. Is there a reason?
Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Gantry on January 29, 2008, 08:42:27 pm typo fixed, thanks!
Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: mjharper on January 30, 2008, 03:29:42 am :er My bad…
Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Novelty on January 30, 2008, 03:58:09 am No worries, I was just curious, that's all...
Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: O.M.S. on February 01, 2008, 03:56:59 am .... I added the item to the profile ...... And what about Travel edition ... to add to profile. It is not my interest, but then the list could be completed. Sorry for this conntribution in this place. Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Novelty on February 01, 2008, 04:08:55 am Heh, no need to apologize when making a request that's reasonable :)
Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Novelty on February 24, 2008, 09:20:06 pm Hmmm... I'm just wondering if Cult, War and Creativity will be added to the profiles soon... and maybe Travel Edition and New World, and Xbox :)
Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Novelty on April 08, 2008, 12:47:38 am *bump* Add to that list the new spielbox expansion (whatever it's gonna be called)
Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Wishmaster on April 14, 2008, 07:09:47 am Couple of things:
1) Might be a dumb question, but what profiles are we talking about here? If I look at my profle I don't see the new one's that you say you've added in this thread. How do I update it anyway? 2) (Wherever it may be!) What about adding the now unavailable PC Games? To my knowledge there is the Basic Carcassonne, Hunters & Gathers and The Collectors Box. Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Novelty on April 14, 2008, 07:33:19 am 1) Well, they haven't been added yet, which is why we can't see them?
Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Gantry on April 14, 2008, 10:47:46 am On the top menu of the forum, click PROFILE (http://www.carcassonnecentral.com/forum/index.php?action=profile), scroll down, I see K,C&C added there. To update your profile, there is a vertical menu on the left of that page, in the Modify Profile section, choose Forum Profile Information.
PC Games... sure I can add them. I'm not familiar with them, is "Basic Carcassonne" the actual name or is it "Carcassonne"? Another thing, I think I'm going to add a blank entry for the choices to default to, so it will be crystal clear if someone hasn't updated their forum profile info. Couple of things: 1) Might be a dumb question, but what profiles are we talking about here? If I look at my profle I don't see the new one's that you say you've added in this thread. How do I update it anyway? 2) (Wherever it may be!) What about adding the now unavailable PC Games? To my knowledge there is the Basic Carcassonne, Hunters & Gathers and The Collectors Box. Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Wishmaster on April 14, 2008, 11:48:02 am Oh God, now I'm even more confused.... Novelty's telling me they're not there yet but Gantry, who's one of the boss men ;D is telling me how to get to them!!
Regards Carc for PC: It's Carcassonne, with the additional line of 'Ritter, Rauber, Rankeschmiede' (No doubt someone here can tell us what that bit means!). Released by Koch Media and only made available in Germany (to my knowledge). Came with a free set of The River tiles for some strange reason... although the copy I got from eBay omitted to include them (the kind soul who sold it decided not to tell me that bit!). All instructions in German as is the game but it can be chaged to English via the config file once installed. Hunters and Gatherers was called just that (well, the German equivalent). Details as above again (No River though!! ;D ) The Collectors Box contained Carcassonne, Inns & Cathedrals, Traders & Builders and (I think) one of the small expansions, as well as Hunters & Gathers. All the Carcassonne games loaded as one unit and when you play you decide what to play. Hunters loads as a completely separate program. ....and now I think about it, I'm sure I saw something somewhere about buying the expansion pack for Carc PC as a separate item (Just I&C, T&B etc) - could be wrong. Anyway, most of that you probably already know. Byt every little helps!! Title: Re: Adding K,C&C to profiles Post by: Novelty on April 14, 2008, 12:04:42 pm Sorry Wishmaster, my bad, I thought you were asking about the new expansions which have yet to be added.