Title: Joining two base sets Post by: Gynan on January 06, 2013, 10:27:31 am Has anyone ever played with two base sets together? and what are the negative pitfalls of doing this? I know it would take longer but anything else?
I want to do this so we can play with more players and reduce the increased element of luck associated with 5 player. Regards Gynan ??? ??? Title: Re: Joining two base sets Post by: Fritz_Spinne on January 06, 2013, 11:44:54 am If you play with the same number of players and twice the tiles there will be less luck by getting the tiles and a bit more chance to play with strategy. But if you play with more players there there will be many new placed tiles until you place your next tile, so you will have less possibilities for strategy and you are waiting longer for your turn. For more than 6 players you could think of playing in teams.
Title: Re: Joining two base sets Post by: Gynan on January 06, 2013, 01:32:11 pm We are playing with 5 people and two sets. Thanks for that