Title: The Cliffs (tower / flier expansion & modifier) Post by: Hawkinsssable on June 23, 2012, 10:52:23 am Download link here. (http://carcassonnecentral.com/forum/index.php?topic=2281.0) Inspired by Carcking's fantastic fun with bluffs (http://carcassonnecentral.com/forum/index.php?topic=2281.0) tiles. So I'm working on a Tower variant that works in a few new mechanics and modifies the tiles a bit. The idea is that you would replace all of the tower tiles with these new tower tiles and shuffle the 6 extra cliffs tiles into the mix. Each tile on the expansion features cliffs, and each tower base also features a flier (from the Flier miniexpansion.) This is for two reasons: to help you do interesting things with your meeples when you draw a tower tile, and to create more opportunities to interact with the cliffs. The cliffs at the moment have 3 associated mechanics: 1. Separate farms. Exactly as you'd expect, and exactly as Carcking's bluffs do. 2. Hinder the spread of a tower's influence. Towers must gain 1 extra height to expand their influence past a cliff. So if you have a cliff on one side of a tower base, you only influence the tile on the other side of that cliff after you have placed two tower pieces. This only occurs if the influence must expand upwards over a cliff, not downwards. Note: The top of the cliff is always along the edge of the tile. 3. Allow extra flight with the fliers expansion. If a flier makes it off the edge of a cliff (downwards, not upwards), they may move 1-3 tiles in any direction except backwards, landing on a tile / feature of their choice. Still needs some playtesting! Title: Re: The Cliffs (tower / flier expansion & modifier) Post by: Scott on June 23, 2012, 12:56:32 pm I'm not completely familiar with how the fliers expansion works, but it seems like you should be able to launch a flier off the top of a tower for extra distance.