Title: Picky Castle Question Post by: Deepblueocean on June 18, 2012, 03:31:55 pm hi Again all!
So a few questions that may potentially be nit picking at stuff but hopefully they are thought provoking...ish :) Page 16 of rule 5.0b9 " The owner (or owners) of the farm score 3 points for every completed city which borders the farm, or lies within it. " In the picture, Area A (assuming that question 2 is invalid) is in question. If a farmer is placed on area F is that far bordered by 3 cities or 2 cities in Area A. Does a point count as bordering? By definition, I would say no, but technically Colorado borders Arizona. :) page 79 of rule 5.0b9 "When a player creates a small city—which consists of only two semi-circular city segments—the occupier may choose to complete and score it in the usual way (for 4 points), or to convert it into a castle . To convert it, the occupier places one of his or her castle tokens over the city and moves the follower occupying it into the castle." Is it safe to assume that the castle is still split between two tiles the follower goes on the respective "side" of the castle based on tile placement underneath? Potentially a happpy dragon if the follower ends up sitting on both tiles? :) Also, Per a previous thread about artwork specificity, The Inns and Pennants may only be applied to one feature. In the case of the Inn it is the road segment that the Inn is most closely situated against (whenever these tiles are homemade care must be taken to situate the Inn closer to a certain road segment on the tile so it is not ambiguous). when a small city gets "converted" to a castle, does the castle still holds the border of the small city? or does it get converted to a castle and takes on the new artwork which may suggest that a farm land can wrap around it. Thus allowing the farmland to go through Area C of the attached link. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B5Oa3jP7PmScalN1b1U3VGdNVEE (https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B5Oa3jP7PmScalN1b1U3VGdNVEE) Title: Re: Picky Castle Question Post by: obervet03 on June 18, 2012, 05:49:45 pm Does a point count as bordering? By definition, I would say no, but technically Colorado borders Arizona. :) I'm a bit confused about the precise wording of your question, and I assume you're referring to the picture you have linked to. In any event, a point does NOT count as bordering a farm. Thus, if all cities in the picture are complete, a farmer on spot A would get credit for 2 cities and a castle. He would not get credit for the city with the grain trade good. A farmer on the other side of the castle would also get 2 cities and the castle, as he would not get credit for the giant city at the bottom. Is it safe to assume that the castle is still split between two tiles the follower goes on the respective "side" of the castle based on tile placement underneath? Potentially a happpy dragon if the follower ends up sitting on both tiles? :) It's actually a bit unclear about placement of a knight in a castle -- we don't have any clarifications (to the best of my knowledge) explaining whether the follower is on the tile he was placed on or if he's on both tiles by being in the castle. For the purposes of the dragon it no longer matters, as the newest rules from Big Box 3 (and the upcoming CAR) include the statement that a follower in the castle cannot be eaten by the dragon. However, it will remain important for the Plague expansion. when a small city gets "converted" to a castle, does the castle still holds the border of the small city? or does it get converted to a castle and takes on the new artwork which may suggest that a farm land can wrap around it. Thus allowing the farmland to go through Area C of the attached link. The Big Box 3 rules (and, again, the upcoming CAR) include the statement that castles separate fields/farms exactly as towns/cities do. Title: Re: Picky Castle Question Post by: Scott on June 18, 2012, 10:21:27 pm Thanks to obervet03 for chiming in on this, because I wasn't aware of those clarifications from Big Box 3.
Regarding the whole follower in the castle problem, when you build a castle, the knight in the city moves into the castle and thus exists in the castle. Since the castle exists on BOTH tiles, the knight could be affected by something which impacts one of the tiles upon which the castle resides. However, this is not for sure until we get an official ruling. Consider the real life city of Lloydminster, which exists in both the provinces of Alberta AND Saskatchewan. Unlike Kansas City or Texarkana, which are actually pairs of twin cities, Lloydminster is a single city with a single municipal government. Business on the Saskatechwan side of Lloydminster are exempt from charging sales tax (Alberta has no sales tax), but other things like income tax and car insurance premiums depend on which side of the city a person resides. Getting back to our Carcassonne situation, HiG may possibly rule that the knight may reside only on the tile from which he came. Followers occupy entire features even though they only reside on one tile of a feature. Title: Re: Picky Castle Question Post by: Deepblueocean on June 19, 2012, 06:51:26 am Obervet03, you hit all my questions spot on! Thanks a bunch for everyone's reply!