Title: Pirate Coast expansion (ready to play, searching for freedback) Post by: Hawkinsssable on May 01, 2012, 10:18:36 am Final version is uploaded here! (http://carcassonnecentral.com/forum/index.php?topic=2278.0) [/b](http://cf.geekdo-images.com/images/pic1302579_md.png) For a larger preview of the tiles, click here. (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/1302579/uliulioxenfree?size=original) For a .pdf with correctly scaled tiles and full (work in progress) rules, click here. (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Byiy44FUnwOBX09XTFBwWFBHc2M/edit) I've been toying with this idea for a while, and finally got around to making the tiles today. The tiles form the coast of Carcassonne, which - like the River - is built at the start of the game. There's also room for up to two rivers that flow into the ocean, although these shouldn't be placed side by side. This gives the region one clearly defined border, which can be helpful when playing on smaller tables. There are also some special rules. Features bordering the coast or the river have a neat function - when they're completed, the scoring player may place a (normal) meeple on a road or city occupied by another player (provided that the current player does not already have a follower on this feature.) Coastal farms are scored immediately, but are worth less points. And the tiles with the pirate skull symbol are used to kick players out of coastal regions, making them a high-risk area. There are a few things I'm not sure about, and probably need play-testing. Firstly, I'm not sure how many coastal tiles should be used per game. Secondly, I'm not sure if I've got too many or too few coastal tiles that divide the field. Thirdly, I'm worried that the pirate skull tiles will feel completely unfair for people on the coastal region. Thoughts, comments, suggestions? Title: Re: Pirate Coast expansion (ready to play, searching for freedback) Post by: Fritz_Spinne on May 01, 2012, 11:00:17 am Sounds interesting - Can I put a pirate on any feature or only on coastal features?
Shouldn't it spelled "below" instad of "bellow"? Title: Re: Pirate Coast expansion (ready to play, searching for freedback) Post by: obervet03 on May 01, 2012, 03:27:08 pm Just to stir up controversy and debate, is the pig farm really a pig farm for scoring purposes, or is it a looks-like-a-pig-farm-but-still-doesn't-score-like-a-pig-farm-because-we-say-so pig farm? ;D
Title: Re: Pirate Coast expansion (ready to play, searching for freedback) Post by: Hawkinsssable on May 01, 2012, 07:15:26 pm Sounds interesting - Can I put a pirate on any feature or only on coastal features? Shouldn't it spelled "below" instad of "bellow"? Pirates can go on any feature! I might end up changing that, though. "bellow" I'll definitely change :-[ Quote from: obervet03 Just to stir up controversy and debate, is the pig farm really a pig farm for scoring purposes, or is it a looks-like-a-pig-farm-but-still-doesn't-score-like-a-pig-farm-because-we-say-so pig farm? I'm going to resolve this the same way I think Klaus-Jurgen Wrede did and leave that completely up to house rules ;D At the risk of making the tiles look tacky, I think I might try adding a bit more ocean scenery to the coast - some more sharks, shipwrecks, sea monsters and that sort of thing. Title: Re: Pirate Coast expansion (ready to play, searching for freedback) Post by: Carcking on May 02, 2012, 05:14:54 am I got an error message while trying to open the PDF. Anyone else have a problem opening it?
Title: Re: Pirate Coast expansion (ready to play, searching for freedback) Post by: Hawkinsssable on May 02, 2012, 09:39:35 am Weird. I reuploaded a version with updated rules on google documents - hopefully this (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Byiy44FUnwOBX09XTFBwWFBHc2M/edit) or this (https://docs.google.com/?authuser=0#folders/0Byiy44FUnwOBNlZYc05DMWVFYTQ) will work
Title: Re: Pirate Coast expansion (ready to play, searching for freedback) Post by: Carcking on May 03, 2012, 03:21:29 pm Weird. I reuploaded a version with updated rules on google documents - hopefully this (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Byiy44FUnwOBX09XTFBwWFBHc2M/edit) or this (https://docs.google.com/?authuser=0#folders/0Byiy44FUnwOBNlZYc05DMWVFYTQ) will work This helped. Thanks! Title: Re: Pirate Coast expansion (ready to play, searching for freedback) Post by: Scott on May 12, 2012, 10:49:01 am I like the tiles, but have a question about the rules. You say that cloisters score as normal, but what do you mean by normal? 9 points for the cloister, or 1 point per tile which would be 6?
Title: Re: Pirate Coast expansion (ready to play, searching for freedback) Post by: Hawkinsssable on June 02, 2012, 01:03:17 am I like the tiles, but have a question about the rules. You say that cloisters score as normal, but what do you mean by normal? 9 points for the cloister, or 1 point per tile which would be 6? This is something that came up in playtesting. I originally said 9, which was overpowered for an area where you only need 3 tiles to complete it. You now only get 4 points. The rules in the pdf in the moment are pretty badly broken, but I've come up with a much, much neater and interesting set. The tiles are the same (but with the addition of a small pirate island for your pirate meeples.) I'll post soon, after I've had a chance to playtest. |