Title: Hello from South Wales Post by: pobolycwm on April 27, 2012, 08:10:51 am Hi there.
Just popped in to say hello, having recently gotten fed up with wargaming and decided to try boardgaming instead. Ordered Carcassonne a few days ago and will be having its first outing here at home tonight. I have been looking at the expansions for the game and was wondering do you keep the different sets separate or can they all be mixed together many thanks jamie Title: Re: Hello from South Wales Post by: thescottishguy on April 28, 2012, 06:27:42 pm I personally keep them all separate and only add in the expansions we feel like playing with on any given night. From my personal experience I found it helpful to ramp up my game night group by getting everyone totally up to speed on the basic game and then adding one expansion at a time until everyone had all the mechanics totally ingrained.
your mileage may vary. Enjoy!! Title: Re: Hello from South Wales Post by: Scott on April 28, 2012, 07:06:41 pm Welcome!
Some people like to keep their favorite expansions mixed in since they play with them every time. I personally like to keep them all separate as well. It's entirely up to you how you want to store them. Title: Re: Hello from South Wales Post by: Captain Pedantic on April 29, 2012, 12:58:39 am Welcome. I'd like to second what thescottishguy said. I keep them separate (in their own tuckboxes even!)
Title: Re: Hello from South Wales Post by: pobolycwm on April 30, 2012, 09:59:34 am Thanks for the info. We are still only playing the main set at present so tuck boxes and storage can wait for a week or 2 :)