Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Expansion Workshop => Topic started by: Amorpheus on April 04, 2012, 07:52:05 am

Title: Best Practices for Sharing Expansions
Post by: Amorpheus on April 04, 2012, 07:52:05 am
I apologize if this information is already available (if it is, I couldn't find it).

Now that we have a Downloads section, what is the preferred method for sharing rules and tiles for fan-made expansions?  I assume we would still create a post under Expansion Workshop for discussion, but then do we add a link (such as mediafire) within that section (and if so, should we also upload the files to the Downloads section?)?  Do we instead upload the pdfs to Downloads and include a link to the Downloads section in our Expansion Workshop post?  Does it matter from an Admin perspective?

Title: Re: Best Practices for Sharing Expansions
Post by: Scott on April 07, 2012, 12:39:39 pm
You can use Mediafire during development when you're looking for feedback, but when you're ready to release I would recommend uploading to the forum downloads area and posting a link in your thread so that people know to go there to get it. For size purposes, you should ZIP your PDF file(s), even if you have only one file.

PDF is the recommended format for both rules and tiles. This helps to ensure that the file prints mostly the same from everyone's computer. Not everybody will have the special fonts that are used in the rules templates (if you're making an expansion, hopefully you have the special fonts), and nobody likes fiddling around with your enormous tile images trying to get them to print at the correct size. Import your tile images into Microsoft Word, size them correctly, and convert to PDF. The only thing the end user should have to worry about is making sure that page scaling is turned off when they print the PDF files.