Title: Hunters and Gatherers - Bonustiles Post by: Fritz_Spinne on April 01, 2012, 05:27:40 am Lucky situation - but what to do:
A tile with two forestsegments was placed and two forests were completed, both had gold nuggets. Does the player get one or two bonus tiles? It's said in the rules there's no chain reaction, but this would be no chain reaction simply because the tow forests are completed simutaneously. Any ideas? Title: Re: Hunters and Gatherers - Bonustiles Post by: Scott on April 07, 2012, 11:34:43 am I suspect the intention is that you get no more than one bonus tile per turn, but from a legal standpoint it looks like you can draw two bonus tiles, one for each forest. Note, however, that the bonus tile is played immediately after scoring the forest, so technically the correct sequence of events would go like this:
1. Player draws tile with two forest segments. 2. Player places tile and completes two forests, each with a gold nugget. 3. One forest is scored. 4. Player draws and places a bonus tile. 5. Any feature(s) completed by placement of bonus tile is/are scored. 6. Second forest is scored. 7. Player draws and placed a bonus tile. 8. Any feature(s) completed by placement of bonus tile is/are scored. To make life easier, I would score both forests simultaneously, but then only allow the player to draw and place one bonus tile at a time. They should not be allowed to look at both bonus tiles prior to placement, since this would result in the player trying to come up with the "best" way of playing the tiles together. I'd be interested in an official ruling on this from HiG. |