Title: Stone Walls play test #2 - two players Post by: Carcking on March 18, 2012, 07:53:02 pm We got in another game last week that I've wanted to post. Just trying to catch up on some things including posting up some sessions. The Stone Wall play tests have really gone well and the rules are nearing completion.
This session included: Stone Walls Abbeys Bridges Sawmills & Woodlots Magic Gate (http://www.mediafire.com/conv/bad631bfcd8b3f4e1d7823e1b75b1882a52f23ad9e6d664a6bf24279b0bad7216g.jpg) The game lasted about an hour and forty minutes. (http://www.mediafire.com/conv/c12e6b1ba557bd1969ae51c163aa1edfc19613d5a545e7d90cdd0ad154e574df6g.jpg) Purple built a nice stone wall to the south but was unable to complete it by the end of the game. At game end it was worth just one point per tile. (http://www.mediafire.com/conv/d996429f90ce53f415006fcc0930c46307997aae1e03ff49e1f3330c0b4d53546g.jpg) We managed to place all four of our bridges over stone walls. It made for an interesting layout. (http://www.mediafire.com/conv/f059e2cfcb700827e154feaadc9806f5dd48bbee2fb19e06d59af89a2f539a8c6g.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/conv/3ab44e9d456faf4abe530e4da77516fb5bdb0ad6b01e35ea7c6fcb87a9a89b556g.jpg) (http://www.mediafire.com/conv/21204b037a1ccd9ffc787dfb022b09f5bfe8c57265bd7cf66873f971082cb4b66g.jpg) |