Title: The princess bride. Post by: quevy on February 28, 2012, 11:02:29 am Today at work I imagined a small variant on the tiles of the princess.
Who draws a tile of these, may place a meeple princess, to distinguish it from normal ones will place him lying (like a farmer), in the sense of the game each player with at least one knight in the city, may (if desired) to ask her hand in marriage . Who has the bride may choose whether to accept or reject. A princess placed in the city, earn one point for each tile. The Knights did not take points from the pennant, because committed to woo the princess. Each time you add a knight in the city, the player can make a new proposal of marriage. In case of marriage, the knight who becomes prince, will be lying in the city. A Prince is as 1 big meeple, if it is a great meeple its value is 3 meeple normal. In the case of supremacy in the city, the Prince counting points normally. Once married the princess also receives 2 points from each pennant. I have not read all the topic of variations or expansions, I hope it's an original idea, do you like? Title: Re: The princess bride. Post by: CKorfmann on February 28, 2012, 12:42:00 pm Or, you could use this meeple from Meeple Source.
(http://www.meeplesource.com/prodimages/PrincessMegaMeeple1a.png) Title: Re: The princess bride. Post by: quevy on February 28, 2012, 12:51:02 pm Yes, I know this, a little credit for the idea comes from that very meeple, I'm waiting to have the money to order meeple zombies, if you buy also add this.
I forgot to say that of course a bride of a color can not marry a knight of the same color. Title: Re: The princess bride. Post by: Scott on March 01, 2012, 12:14:33 am (http://www.meeplesource.com/prodimages/PirateMegaMeeple1a.png)
Prince Humperdink better watch out for the Dread Pirate Roberts. Title: Re: The princess bride. Post by: quevy on March 02, 2012, 10:56:26 am I ask you an opinion on this, if you like the idea, I ask for help from someone I know to write in English to understand the regulation.
Title: Re: The princess bride. Post by: Scott on March 02, 2012, 05:05:42 pm Go ahead and explain how you want it to work as best you can, and I'm sure somebody will help to write the English rules.
Title: Re: The princess bride. Post by: quevy on March 03, 2012, 05:18:27 am If anyone has suggestions for improvement, I think the rules are all here, hoping that you have to understand.
What an ugly being lazy when you went to school and not having learned English well. : ') I was thinking anyway to use normal meeple for this, to recognize those who have the princess and prince, unless you use a token of colored cardboard to put under. There are 6 pieces of princess, it's hard to remember them all. Title: Re: The princess bride. Post by: palkan on March 03, 2012, 08:45:39 am Another meeple-choice-idea: there will be Die Frau (woman) meeple in the upcoming mini-expansion Die Depeschen, so you will be able to use it as a princess.
Title: Re: The princess bride. Post by: quevy on March 03, 2012, 09:14:29 am Or could use the mayor as a princess and a prince to use a builder.
Title: Re: The princess bride. Post by: quevy on March 04, 2012, 06:39:42 am before
(http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/1598/prince1e.jpg) The princess take 9 points, 18 points each one knight. after (http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/2492/princevc.jpg) The princess gets 13 points, 22 points the prince, the Black Knight (:)) no point. |