Title: Descent: Journey's into the Dark Post by: CKorfmann on February 25, 2012, 05:44:54 pm Getting ready for my first session of this tomorrow afternoon. Looking forward to it as it will be my first dungeon crawler board game in a long while. Anyone else play this one?
Title: Re: Descent: Journey's into the Dark Post by: quevy on February 25, 2012, 06:38:01 pm I have played several matches this.
We recently started playing again every Wednesday evening. Title: Re: Descent: Journey's into the Dark Post by: Scott on February 25, 2012, 07:04:40 pm I think CKorfmann is looking for opinions rather than just knowing that you played it.
Title: Re: Descent: Journey's into the Dark Post by: quevy on February 26, 2012, 03:29:36 am The problem with the language creates problems every time.
Honestly I like the game enough, even if you are an experienced team player rpg game looks nice. If the overlord (master) plays to entertain its players and not only think to win, try to kill them only if they are too greedy or make serious mistakes, are 3 hours spent very well. We have not yet started the campaign game is introduced in the second expansion, we are waiting to arrive, and if that is the level of the game I think will be fantastic. If I can give you some advice, try to learn as soon as possible using the best points of fatigue. In crucial moments can make a difference. Always brings the potions that you have them recover, if you can use the last point to drink the potion and find yourself at the most, it case you get no search for a peaceful rest. Listen carefully to the introduction to adventure, or claps of new areas, can be revealed clues that help you survive. Expect a good game and your opinion on this. Title: Re: Descent: Journey's into the Dark Post by: CKorfmann on February 28, 2012, 11:20:06 pm Well, it was a whole lot of learning and not much playing for the first session. Probably got about 15 minutes of real play time in 4 hours. Need to do better next time.
Title: Re: Descent: Journey's into the Dark Post by: Bixby on February 29, 2012, 07:33:56 am What did you think of it?
Title: Re: Descent: Journey's into the Dark Post by: CKorfmann on February 29, 2012, 02:25:13 pm I know I responded to this before. My computer seems to be eating my posts. First on fb and now here? Anyway...
I'm sure it will be fun when we get the hang of it. I think once you get the basic premises down, it just more of the same. If I were going to get interested in it, I'd be tempted to try out the Road to Legend expansion and hang on to a few characters for a while. The only question I have is whether or not it would get old since it seems like there is not the freedom to develope a character like in a RPG. Either way, I'm looking forward to learning more. My game partner digests things very slowly, and he's the one "teaching" me, so I just need to be patient and try to figure it out on my own. Title: Re: Descent: Journey's into the Dark Post by: Bixby on February 29, 2012, 02:53:05 pm Thanks for the info CK.
Title: Re: Descent: Journey's into the Dark Post by: quevy on March 04, 2012, 05:50:02 am If I were going to get interested in it, I'd be tempted to try out the Road to Legend expansion and hang on to a few characters for a while. The only question I have is whether or not it would get old since it seems like there is not the freedom to develope a character like in a RPG. I think that soon we will begin to play this, just try it I'll know my impressions. |