Title: Magic Portal that completes a Cloister Post by: MeepMoop on February 22, 2012, 10:59:31 pm In a recent game I played a magic portal tile next to an unoccupied cloister and deployed my follower to the cloister. Playing the magic portal tile completed the cloister. My opponent thought that I couldn't play into the cloister since it was completed by the magic portal tile. Conversely, I believed that the cloister wasn't "completed" until after I deployed the follower. My opponent made a fuss and I rescinded my move to avoid argument.
Thoughts? Was the cloister still incomplete and thus legal to play into even though the magic portal tile ended up completed it? Title: Re: Magic Portal that completes a Cloister Post by: CKorfmann on February 22, 2012, 11:09:30 pm It is a matter of turn order. In this instance, simply... place a tile, place a follower (or other), score for completed features, remove followers/others. You are correct. I doubt they'd have the same argument for incomplete cities. With the portal, it's the same principle.
Title: Re: Magic Portal that completes a Cloister Post by: MeepMoop on February 22, 2012, 11:14:05 pm Thanks, I was reasoning along those lines.