Title: Mega-Carcassonne (Teams) at BixCON III Post by: Bixby on February 21, 2012, 12:56:33 pm On the last day of BixCON III, we setup and played a six player game of Mega-Carcassonne. There were some new players and typically, I do not like to teach new players anything over the base game. Everyone wanted to play, so we created 3 teams of 2 players each. We paired experienced players with new players. Each person played their own game but the scores were combined for the final score.
Options and rules used in the game... ...Trade Goods with revised scoring ...Builder ...Pig Farms ...Inns ...Cathedrals ...The Princess ...Cult Places ...The Tower ...The Fairy ...The Dragon ...The Plague ...The River ...The River II ...Mega Meeple ...Mayor Meeple ...Wagon Meeple ...Pig Meeple ...Pennants ...Magic Portal ...The Tunnel ...Abbey Tile ...Bazaars ...The Festival ...King & Robber ...Scrabble tile holder so each player played with three tiles The game was an incredible amount of fun. We only played about 2.5 hours and had to stop because other games were scheduled for the con. We will be scheduling a Saturday game of this some time in the future though. Fun way to play. Title: Re: Mega-Carcassonne (Teams) at BixCON III Post by: CKorfmann on February 21, 2012, 04:52:22 pm That sounds like a lot of fun. I'm not sure my conscience would let me do a hand of tiles. ;) Got any pictures?
Title: Re: Mega-Carcassonne (Teams) at BixCON III Post by: Bixby on February 21, 2012, 04:54:44 pm We took lots of pictures throughout BixCON, but I do not think we got any of the Carc game.
Title: Re: Mega-Carcassonne (Teams) at BixCON III Post by: Trebuchet on February 21, 2012, 06:02:56 pm Pardon me for asking, but what is a bixcon exactly? sounds like fun and some sort of gamers gathering, but i never heard of it..
Title: Re: Mega-Carcassonne (Teams) at BixCON III Post by: Bixby on February 21, 2012, 06:07:55 pm Pardon me for asking, but what is a bixcon exactly? sounds like fun and some sort of gamers gathering, but i never heard of it.. Small CON we run for friends here in Regina, Saskatchewan. http://carcassonnecentral.com/forum/index.php?topic=2193.0 |