Title: Playtest with JPutt927 Post by: sputt118 on February 19, 2012, 03:54:12 pm Though JPutt927 has had some of these recently revealed expansions completed for awhile, I usually get the honor of playtesting them in order to perfect the rules. We were able to get together this weekend for an epic playthrough with some of his brand new expansions. I've included some pictures so you can get a peek at some of them!
(http://i967.photobucket.com/albums/ae158/bubbasco/photo7.jpg) (http://i967.photobucket.com/albums/ae158/bubbasco/photo6.jpg) (http://i967.photobucket.com/albums/ae158/bubbasco/photo5.jpg) (http://i967.photobucket.com/albums/ae158/bubbasco/photo2.jpg) (http://i967.photobucket.com/albums/ae158/bubbasco/photo4.jpg) (http://i967.photobucket.com/albums/ae158/bubbasco/photo.jpg) (http://i967.photobucket.com/albums/ae158/bubbasco/photo1.jpg) (http://i967.photobucket.com/albums/ae158/bubbasco/photo3.jpg) Title: Re: Playtest with JPutt927 Post by: Scott on February 19, 2012, 06:23:41 pm I'm feeling a little concerned about that giant flood in the middle.
Title: Re: Playtest with JPutt927 Post by: CKorfmann on February 19, 2012, 09:19:42 pm Wow, this look really interesting. I lack the skills to produce these in the type of quality I'd like so they will probably frustrate me. ;)
Pretty much confirms what I told Jeff to start with. I thought I had the farm rules pegged until I saw the meat trade good symbols. The supplimental boards look really good. I like the look of the flood. I don't recall seeing it in use before. Thanks for that merit-worthy first post Scott. My only question is... Where have you been?! :D Title: Re: Playtest with JPutt927 Post by: Carcatronn on February 20, 2012, 10:29:46 am i really like the Shoppe!! Can't wait to play with these new fan expansions :D
Title: Re: Playtest with JPutt927 Post by: Carcking on February 20, 2012, 10:31:42 am Wow! This has really got my appetite whetted.
Scott, can you give us brief synopsis of these fanspansions? They all look fantastic! Title: Re: Playtest with JPutt927 Post by: neosatan on February 20, 2012, 10:56:44 am Look nice!
It's nice cause I didn't print forests yet, only mountains, and fisherman from big fanexps. I seen on huge mountain on board and I wonder if that will be compatibile with moutains exp, or a newer version? Still, want to know more about Shoppe, and farm exp. They look pretty nice. I have been working on a exp on my own with trader tokens, and some other stuff, and now I don't know whether continue work or not (well for now it's suspended cause my computer went off and do not want to cooperate with me :(). Will see... Maybe I will fanexp JPutt's exps... Can't wait to see the rules. Can't wait. Can't wait. Can't wait. Can't wait. Can't wait. Can't wait. You guys could give some brief info about this exps. PS. Don't know if others share my enthusiasm, but I am more interested in JPutt's fanexps that Carcassonne minis... Title: Re: Playtest with JPutt927 Post by: Trebuchet on February 20, 2012, 11:17:39 am Very nice indeed! :D I have my tokens ordered to be ready when this is released. ;)