Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => The Marketplace => Topic started by: BTBAM on February 16, 2012, 10:56:10 am

Title: WTB/Looking For: Fan-made expansions: Forests, Fishermen, Oceans, etc
Post by: BTBAM on February 16, 2012, 10:56:10 am
Hey all,

I'm not sure how to go about making these expansion tiles myself, I have no means to do so. I was seeing if any one was parting with any or could make some up for me?

Was looking for the Winter Edition as well as several of the fan made expansions.

Please let me know if you can assist, thanks!

Title: Re: WTB/Looking For: Fan-made expansions: Forests, Fishermen, Oceans, etc
Post by: Scott on February 17, 2012, 12:30:22 pm
I'm not sure that we can accomodate this request. Winter Edition is not free, and I'm not sure we could verify that you have purchased it. Also, it is not legal to sell fan-made expansions. All we can do is tell you how to make them yourself, and that information is readily available in the Crafters' Guild forum.

Title: Re: WTB/Looking For: Fan-made expansions: Forests, Fishermen, Oceans, etc
Post by: CKorfmann on February 17, 2012, 12:37:30 pm
I agree, they'd probably shut us down if somebody started selling them.  There was a guy on ebay that was selling our expansions.  I think he quit.  Not sure about trading though.  I suppose that if you were to trade someone something for them, this might be OK.  Any thoughts from anyone else?

Title: Re: WTB/Looking For: Fan-made expansions: Forests, Fishermen, Oceans, etc
Post by: Amorpheus on February 17, 2012, 03:56:48 pm
I was apprehensive upon first reading this post.  Selling of fanspansions is definitely out.  I think Carcassonne Central would at least receive a cease and desist order from HiG and RGG if it started allowing that (if not a complete shutdown of the site).

To CKorfmann's other point...I've made several fanspansions and have refined my skills (and selection criterion) in the process.  I imagine there are others who have done this as well.  There is probably a fairly large contingent that would like the opportunity to trade some of their fan-made attempts for something more useful to them, such as new blank tiles.

However, that idea isn't without its faults too.  Limitations are imposed on blank tile purchases to prevent wide-spread creation and sale of tiles (that's at least one of the reasons, I'm guessing).  Maybe trading similar or the same quantities of tiles (fan-made for blank) wouldn't cause HiG any heartburn...

I personally would not wish to trade any of my fan-made attempts.  I'd prefer to give them to friends and family as appreciation gifts or to get them more interested in this great game.  BTBAM - I would recommend following Scott's advice and reading others' posts on how to do this...through trial and error you should be able to make something you are happy with.  If your limitation is because of a printer, you can likely find a copy service in town that will print the files for you.

Title: Re: WTB/Looking For: Fan-made expansions: Forests, Fishermen, Oceans, etc
Post by: BTBAM on February 18, 2012, 06:35:24 am
Keep in mind I also said in the post looking for as well as wanting to buy. Obviously I would be needing to buy the sheets of blank tiles that would be used to be printed on. I'm just simply saying if someone was able to make them that I can pay for the resources involved.

Title: Re: WTB/Looking For: Fan-made expansions: Forests, Fishermen, Oceans, etc
Post by: quevy on February 18, 2012, 06:51:17 am
Why pay someone when you can easily do it yourself, buy the white tiles on the site.
Moulds what you need on sticky paper, you can buy it easily in a shop and office supplies.
If you do not have a printer or you're not sure how to do, bring the files to a copy shop and tell him that the boxes must be of 45x45 mm. Cut out and glue the tiles.

Title: Re: WTB/Looking For: Fan-made expansions: Forests, Fishermen, Oceans, etc
Post by: BTBAM on February 18, 2012, 05:34:56 pm
Okay, I took some sets up to the printing place, bought some label paper, and now have some prints ready...

all I need now is some blank tiles?

Can anyone point me in the direction of that?

Title: Re: WTB/Looking For: Fan-made expansions: Forests, Fishermen, Oceans, etc
Post by: quevy on February 18, 2012, 05:55:43 pm

Title: Re: WTB/Looking For: Fan-made expansions: Forests, Fishermen, Oceans, etc
Post by: Captain Pedantic on February 18, 2012, 07:26:25 pm

When you go there, i suggest you user google Chrome as your web browser. It will translate from German on the fly for you

Title: Re: WTB/Looking For: Fan-made expansions: Forests, Fishermen, Oceans, etc
Post by: BTBAM on February 18, 2012, 10:19:41 pm
wooo.....pricey shipping.

Thanks for the link, looks like I'll be having to make several orders to end up with several of these expansions printed.

Title: Re: WTB/Looking For: Fan-made expansions: Forests, Fishermen, Oceans, etc
Post by: CKorfmann on February 19, 2012, 12:08:55 am
Since you're putting stickers on anyway, you could just by used base sets and use those.  It might be cheaper in the long run.  That's basically what I've done.

Title: Re: WTB/Looking For: Fan-made expansions: Forests, Fishermen, Oceans, etc
Post by: Carcatronn on February 19, 2012, 01:40:35 am
Although I am out at the moment, I can sell you some spare tiles when i get more in if you are simply stickering labels on them... Which I have found to be the easiest method in my opinion