Title: CARCASSONNE LA PORXADA Post by: quevy on February 12, 2012, 04:38:14 am I saw this on Ebay :o , maybe someone hear.
http://www.ebay.it/itm/Carcassonne-LA-PORXADA-Erweiterung-RARITAT-/270911521623?pt=DE_Allesf%C3%BCrsKind_Spielzeug_Gesellschaftsspiele&hash=item3f1395c357#ht_880wt_1396 Title: Re: CARCASSONNE LA PORXADA Post by: Khonnor83 on February 12, 2012, 04:44:38 am I don't know if that is an original or self-made one.
The original was a smaller sticker upon a already existing tile from the base game. This one looks home-made and I believe the seller also states this in the listing, but my German isn't all that good. I made my own copy of Porxada as well, because in the end it IS just a sticker anyway. So, I wouldn't pay a lot of money for this tile, unless maybe you'd have proof it is on of the few originals. Title: Re: CARCASSONNE LA PORXADA Post by: quevy on February 12, 2012, 04:52:28 am My German is equal to yours, I had not realized that this was a copy if you did not mind: (
I too have made a tile with adhesive, using the white ones. Title: Re: CARCASSONNE LA PORXADA Post by: Sekim on February 12, 2012, 07:28:32 am He indeed states that it's not one of the original 72 stickered tiles. He also states that he's selling these with permission of HiG after they checked the quality of his craftsmanship.
Title: Re: CARCASSONNE LA PORXADA Post by: Khonnor83 on February 12, 2012, 08:57:45 am He indeed states that it's not one of the original 72 stickered tiles. He also states that he's selling these with permission of HiG after they checked the quality of his craftsmanship. I'm sorry to sound nasty, but placing a sticker correctly on a tile is not "quality craftsmanship" IMO... Can he proof HiG gave him permission to do so, when HiG never released La Porxada to begin with, but the spanish publisher. I mean, I myself could make La Porxada and sell them for 5 euro to anyone who's interested...;) |