Title: What happens if I complete a city/road with no followers on it? Post by: shandess on February 11, 2012, 05:48:06 am The situation is like this:
1) I pick up a tile that allow me to complete a road or a city that no one of the other players owns. 2) All my followers are already placed, so I cannot place any follower in the city or in the road I just completed with the tile I pick up. 3) Do I still get the score for the completion of the road/city? Thanks and congratulation for the forum! Title: Re: What happens if I complete a city/road with no followers on it? Post by: quevy on February 11, 2012, 05:51:37 am Nothing happens, not having to place meeple can not claim the points.
Title: Re: What happens if I complete a city/road with no followers on it? Post by: shandess on February 11, 2012, 06:13:55 am Clear, thanks.
I was a little confused by this faq: http://carc.mjharper.de/page6/page6.html#If_you_complete_a_previously_un Title: Re: What happens if I complete a city/road with no followers on it? Post by: Scott on February 11, 2012, 04:09:09 pm The only thing that can happen is maybe you get a warm fuzzy feeling inside from having just completed a road. It feels good to finish things. ;D
Title: Re: What happens if I complete a city/road with no followers on it? Post by: CKorfmann on February 11, 2012, 07:13:48 pm It might be a help to you though if you are playing with the King and Robber expansion and have the Robber Baron tile.
Title: Re: What happens if I complete a city/road with no followers on it? Post by: quevy on February 11, 2012, 07:38:55 pm obviously do not get points from a closed town, but if this is found in a farmer's field, you may do so indirectly points.