Title: Hive Post by: CKorfmann on February 11, 2012, 12:18:52 am I recently got Hive Carbon. The Carbon edition includes the two expansion pieces for those who might not be familiar with it. The pieces are also plain black and white which I think I prefer. My wife and I have logged nearly 20 plays so far. It's easy to sit down and play several games in one sitting. I think our average game time is around 5 minutes at this point. I think she might have a slight lead in the victory category, but we are both still learning the strategy of this one. It's a pretty enjoyable little two-player game though.
Title: Re: Hive Post by: Bixby on February 11, 2012, 10:00:07 am Great game. My wife and I have taken this on backpacking trips with us. :)
(Also, good to play in a pub). |