Title: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Khonnor83 on February 05, 2012, 04:05:25 am :)
Sealed spielbox magazines (all magazines are sealed and tiles/stickers thus unused) - The Cult with Almanach €8.00 (german edition) - The Pest €8.00 (english version) - Meeple Stickers €8.00 - New, unused (but not sealed) copy of Graf, Konig & Consorten Expansion €12.00 - Dominion: Carcassonne cards (sealed&unused, German Version) €5.00 (I figured since it's a "carcassonne" card and was issued to celebrate Carcassonne's 10th Anniversary, this would be okay) 8) I'm from The Netherlands, so if you're interested in something, just post your country and I'll look up the shipping info. If you purchase more items at once, I'll give a discount. I could also open up the magazines and just ship the (sealed tiles). If you want to make a different offer, do not hesitate to do so. These pictures were made by me and are taken from my BoardGameGeek account. (http://cf.geekdo-images.com/images/pic1188609_md.jpg) (http://cf.geekdo-images.com/images/pic1188607_md.jpg) If you'd like more/different pictures, please ask. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I'm wondering why there isn't a trade/sell sub-forum? I'm thinking about getting rid some of the expansions/promos I have double-dipped and before putting those on Ebay, I thought maybe a fan is interested and I'd put them up for offer here first. Is that alllowed or if not, is it okay to post ebay links? Just wondering. Mean no harm :) SOLD - Sealed Spielbox Magazine with Der Tunnel expansion €8.00 Title: Re: Selling items allowed/sub-forum? Post by: CKorfmann on February 05, 2012, 09:01:56 am I think that's an excellent idea, but don't know if there has been a precedent either way. I'll check.
Title: Re: Selling items allowed/sub-forum? Post by: Sekim on February 05, 2012, 10:19:57 am What would you have to offer ?
Not asking for myself but in general so all who are interested can see it. Title: Re: Selling items allowed/sub-forum? Post by: Khonnor83 on February 05, 2012, 05:29:15 pm What would you have to offer ? Not asking for myself but in general so all who are interested can see it. Well...if it's no problem to list it here... Sealed spielbox magazines (all magazines are sealed and tiles/stickers thus unused) - The Cult with Almanach - The Tunnels - The Pest - Meeple Stickers - New, unused (but not sealed) copy of Graf, Konig & Consorten Expansion And I also have a few Dominion: Carcassonne cards (sealed&unused, German Version). :) Hope it's okay to post it here....if not, a mod should just let me know. Title: Re: Selling items allowed/sub-forum? Post by: CKorfmann on February 05, 2012, 07:09:25 pm I think it's OK for the time being. We'll get the official word shortly. Let's wait for it before we make any transactions.
Title: Re: Selling items allowed/sub-forum? Post by: Scott on February 06, 2012, 08:11:44 pm I'm not opposed to this, but I wonder if there enough demand to have a whole sub-forum for this purpose? I'll put a poll in the Voting Station to find out...
Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Khonnor83 on February 10, 2012, 11:01:45 am Thread renames,
prices and photos added. :) Title: Re: Selling items allowed/sub-forum? Post by: Carcatronn on February 10, 2012, 07:41:18 pm - New, unused (but not sealed) copy of Graf, Konig & Consorten Expansion WTB, how much to ship to USA? Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Carcatronn on February 10, 2012, 07:52:34 pm (http://cf.geekdo-images.com/images/pic1188609_md.jpg) Is that a pink Carcassonne box expansion I see in the top left corner? Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: CKorfmann on February 10, 2012, 08:22:04 pm Is that a pink Carcassonne box expansion I see in the top left corner? I noticed that as well and it's not familiar to me either. I'm curious. Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Carcatronn on February 10, 2012, 09:21:13 pm Is that a pink Carcassonne box expansion I see in the top left corner? I noticed that as well and it's not familiar to me either. I'm curious. Figured it out, it's the 999 Dutch version of P&D in a pink box http://boardgamegeek.com/image/212262/carcassonne-the-princess-the-dragon (http://boardgamegeek.com/image/212262/carcassonne-the-princess-the-dragon) Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: CKorfmann on February 10, 2012, 09:29:38 pm I think I remember seeing that somewhere now. Thanks.
Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Khonnor83 on February 11, 2012, 02:25:22 pm Sorry for the late reply!
The pink box is indeed Princess and the Dragon Expansion. All the expansions have been released with different colors over here. Or almost all of them. Inns & Cathedrals (though in Holland its just titled "The Expansion" and includes the River as a bonus) has a brown box. Traders & Builders has a red-ish box and Princess a pink-ish box (http://cf.geekdo-images.com/images/pic1188606_md.jpg) Mayors an orange box, Graf a purple-ish box and Bridges more like a raspberry kinda color (http://cf.geekdo-images.com/images/pic1188607_md.jpg) Tower more like the base-game blue and Katapult more darker blue. (http://cf.geekdo-images.com/images/pic1188608_md.jpg) Pictures are all taken by me and from my personal collection. Most have never been played with.... ;D Title: Re: Selling items allowed/sub-forum? Post by: Khonnor83 on February 11, 2012, 02:29:47 pm - New, unused (but not sealed) copy of Graf, Konig & Consorten Expansion WTB, how much to ship to USA? It's not cheap...;) The game itself is 12 euro which is around $ 15.85 If it fits inside a big bubble-wrap enveloppe shipping will be around $ 8-ish But to be honest, I wouldn't know if the outer box would be kept intact in transit. If I ship it inside a cardboard box with padding it will be around $ 24.00!! I'm shocked at that myself, to be honest. That is without cost of the box and padding, but I'll pay for that myself. My apologies for those absurd shipping prices. Perhaps if I put the tiles inside one enveloppe and just the box in another, it will be less heavy and maybe cheaper to send. Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Carcatronn on February 11, 2012, 03:51:03 pm Yeah, international shipping is ridiculously expensive from this side too.. I would like the box, so will have to think about it. All of the tiles have the crown watermark, yeah?
Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Scott on February 11, 2012, 04:19:08 pm I don't want to put you off buying this, but considering the high shipping cost across the ocean I feel like I should say this. I was thinking about this expansion too because of watermark, and I almost expressed interest in this thread but something Jay wrote to me made me change my mind. Jay told me that he was planning to release three new expansions this year, in addition to the six/seven mini-expansions announced by HiG, and that these three new expansions were to be compilations of previous small expansions. I think we are very likely to see Count, King, and Consort released by RGG this year; either that or maybe he'll be splitting things up differently. Not sure how he would get three regular-size expansions unless he's going to re-release Cult and Siege with River and GQ11?
Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Carcatronn on February 11, 2012, 04:31:06 pm Yeah, Jay had said this to me too.. Being that the Cult/Siege, River 2, and the Count are out of print, this would be the likely suspect of the compilation... So to get the King expansion watermarked, would probably have to get the Graf..plus I like the artwork ::)
Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Scott on February 11, 2012, 04:33:06 pm Maybe we'll get the same artwork as well?
Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Khonnor83 on February 11, 2012, 05:46:26 pm Yeah, international shipping is ridiculously expensive from this side too.. I would like the box, so will have to think about it. All of the tiles have the crown watermark, yeah? I'm sorry about the high shipping. All the tiles have the crown symbol, except for the count tiles, since they are used as a starting tile. I could take pictures of the inside and contents of the box, if you'd like? RGG told me at essen, GK&C wouldn't get a release in the US (besides the CS&C). Plans might have changed, but I've heard nothing about it so far. Just the pest/tunnel/circles combo and the minis. Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: CKorfmann on February 11, 2012, 06:54:50 pm I'm interested in the Almanac moreso for the Stone Age expansion than the Shrines. What would be the total in $ to the U.S.?
Yeah, Jay had said this to me too.. Being that the Cult/Siege, River 2, and the Count are out of print, this would be the likely suspect of the compilation... So to get the King expansion watermarked, would probably have to get the Graf..plus I like the artwork ::) I would assume that he was talking about the Plague, Tunnels, and Crop Circles expansion that has already been announced. I haven't seen anything that would lead me to believe it was something else. Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Scott on February 11, 2012, 07:37:40 pm Here's the sentence from Jay's message to me on BGG on January 24, 2012:
Quote As for your other ideas, I plan to look at them seriously after those and the three new expansions I plan - those that combine the previous small expansions. Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Khonnor83 on February 12, 2012, 04:16:18 am I'm interested in the Almanac moreso for the Stone Age expansion than the Shrines. What would be the total in $ to the U.S.? The sealed magazine with shipping would be around $20 total, but I'll have to check the weight when I get home. But that's what I expect. Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Khonnor83 on February 15, 2012, 11:52:56 am I have sold the Tunnels Spielbox copy. :)
Title: Re: Khonnor's Kharcassonne Khorner Post by: Khonnor83 on March 04, 2012, 05:42:03 pm Sold
- The Cult with Almanach - Graf, Konig Und Consorten |